Today it is the Roman Catholic Church, tomorrow it could be the Orthodox Catholic Church, then the Protestant Churches and finally all other religions.
The march to hell continues unabated. This is just one more step toward shredding the Constitution of the United States.
The following is TRUE and very disconcerting. Connecticut lawmakers are seriously considering a bill that would give the government the right to rule the Catholic Church. You read that correctly.
The bill 1098 would remove the authority of the bishop and pastor over individual parishes and put a board of laymen in their place. Peter Wolfgang of the Family Institute of Connecticut says that a committee meeting is slated for tomorrow, Wednesday.
"The two co-chairs of the committee -- incredibly powerful men, Representative Mike Lawlor and Senator Andrew McDonald -- are the two openly gay legislative champions of 'same-sex marriage', so this does feel like some sort of revenge, a payback against the Church for leading the fight against same-sex marriage," Wolfgang said.
Wolfgang believes backers of the bill are angry with groups who helped advertise and support Proposition 8 to protect traditional marriage in California. Among those groups was the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic fraternal organization.
Wolfgang said, "Their international headquarters is here in Connecticut. They sent over a million dollars to California for the victory of Proposition 8, and so we do think that we sense some payback here against the Church and maybe perhaps explicitly against the Knights of Columbus."
Wolfgang hopes the public will pack the chambers for the Wednesday committee hearing. He is especially encouraging participation from non-Catholics, as he believes this bill is an attack on everyone's religious liberty, and he is CORRECT!

Today, Obama announced his plans to "OVER-HAUL" the entire education system in the United States, which would also include lengthening the school day.
I'm sorry folks, but the federal government has NO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT or AUTHORITY to be involved in the education system here in the United States or anywhere else for that matter.
People, please read the Constitution. There is nothing in it that gives the Judicial, the Executive, or the Legislative branches of the Government the right or power to be involved in EDUCATION or HEALTH CARE. The Constitution enumerates which powers belong to each of the three branches of the federal government, then it goes on to explain; "Any rights or powers NOT enumerated to any of the three branches of the federal government BELONG to the STATES or to the PEOPLE."
We MUST act NOW to put a STOP to this wholesale shredding of the Constitution. We are now at a point where the ONLY option WE the PEOPLE have, is OPEN REBELLION, a REVOLUTION!
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