Thursday, January 7, 2010

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So today, the Fox News Channel preempted a half hour of Glenn Beck just so that B.O. could B.S the public. All day long we were told by various White House spokespeople, that Obama was going to lay a bombshell of a report on the attempted Christmas Day airline bombing. We were told that what he will tell us would shocking and outrage the public. Excuse me, but where was the shocking and outrageous information?

All Fluff and no substance. The only good thing was Obama didn't blame Bush. Well I suppose that is at least a start. Of course, he didn't even hold the press conference on time. I think it was pushed back at least three times. Come to think of it, this skinny assed, Dumbo eared moron hasn't been on time for anything since usurping the Office. Hell, I think he would be late to his own funeral. I even suspect that the rest of the gang of fools, Napolitano
, etc, purposely waited to give their spiel at the beginning of Becks show just to piss off Fox and Beck's viewers.

If Obama's government health care gets passed and signed into law, we can all now look forward to the IRS gaining more power and intruding ever deeper, not only into our pockets, but also into our private lives, because it will be the IRS to whom you will have to report every year at tax time to prove that you not only have health insurance, but that it is a health insurance plan that is approved by the government, and if you don't, it is they (the IRS) who will fine you and later, perhaps, have you imprisoned for being a scoff-law.

If any form of government health care gets signed into law, and you don't elect people to the House and Senate who will overturn and repeal it, and if you don't hold their feet to the fire to be sure they do just that, then you will be the biggest of spineless wimps in the world and will deserve all the horrors that will be coming your way. Then all I can say is get used to it, God is dead! Long live the new god, the government who now giveth us rights and taketh them away.

Now I shall have to make an appointment to see my Proctologist cause my bum hurts like hell from all the reaming the government has been giving me. Do you think this will be covered under Obamacare?

The following video was shamelessly lifted from Teresamerica :


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