Monday, March 7, 2011

A bill in Kansas establishes a commission to study ways to outsource government jobs to private sector jobs or to non-profit organizations. The bill passed, the house. If it passes the senate, governor Sam Brownback will likely sign it.

Please consider Kansas bill encourages outsourcing of government jobs.
After a lengthy floor debate, the House passed a bill Friday establishing an 11-member commission to study ways to outsource public jobs to private-sector companies and nonprofit groups.

The group would be called the Kansas Advisory Council on Privatization and Public-Private Partnerships.

According to House Bill 2194, the council's main responsibility would be to "review and evaluate the possibility of outsourcing goods or services provided by a state agency to a private business or not-for-profit organization that is able to provide the same type of good or service, and whether such action would result in cost savings to the state."

The council would also identify areas where government services compete with private business, "to determine ways to eliminate such competition."
One possible concern is this bill will simply produce another stack of paper that no one will act on.

However, the cost of the study is not much, and the goal of eliminating every possible government job is sound. Let's hope the study comes up with some rock solid proposals that are enacted.

I assure you there is fertile ground.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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