Sunday, March 6, 2011

Date: 1986 or 1987 ?
Time: Approx: 5:00 – 5:30 p.m. (dusk)

Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Upside down bowl shape.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: My daughter and I were on the back roads coming from Coram. On the right was a field surrounded by trees. She said to me "Ma, look, there's an airplane, Mom, it’s not a plane, it's following us. I said I can't look, I'm driving, then looking up I saw a grey object, hovering above and to the left.

It had lights around it. The top was smaller than the bottom. It hung in midair, then flew up and over trees to the left and up.

It disappeared. We got home and we were both a little shaken. I also think we heard helicopters flying around when we got home.

That weekend on channel 12 we heard that some people saw something fly into the water at Smith point.

I never found out what is was, or if anyone else has seen this. I would love to know. It was an actual object, not a glowing light. Thanks.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:


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