Sunday, October 3, 2010

Terror Alerts Upgraded Across Europe

10:34pm UK, Sunday October 03, 2010
Hazel Baker, Sky News Online

Britons travelling to France and Germany have been told they may face a high threat from terror attacks, following a US warning for its citizens to be vigilant while in Europe.

Americans living in or visiting Europe have been told to take more security precautions.
This advice is one step below the formal warning recommending no travel at all.
Following the US move, Britain upgraded its travel advice for Europe.
The Foreign Office said there was a "high threat" of attacks in countries including France and Germany, rather than the "general threat" previously identified.
It follows intelligence indicating al Qaeda terrorists are planning to launch simultaneous Mumbai-style attacks in the UK, France and Germany.
"Terrorists may elect to use a variety of means and weapons and target both official and private interests," the US State Department said in its alert.
"US citizens are reminded of the potential for terrorists to attack public transportation systems and other tourist infrastructure.
We work closely with our international partners in countering terrorism and the US advice is consistent with our assessment.
Home Secretary Theresa May
"US citizens should take every precaution to be aware of their surroundings and to adopt appropriate safety measures to protect themselves when travelling."
Responding to the US travel alert, Home Secretary Theresa May said the protection of Britons and visitors to the UK was the Government's "most important duty".
"As we have consistently made clear, we face a real and serious threat from terrorism," she said.
"Our threat level remains at severe - meaning that an attack is highly likely.
"We work closely with our international partners in countering terrorism and the US advice is consistent with our assessment."
Police stand guard on a bridge across from the Eiffel Tower after the French tourism landmark and the surrounding park was evacuated for the second time in two weeks following a bomb alert in Paris
Police guard the Eiffel Tower in Paris after a terrorist threat to blow it up
Last week intelligence officials in Britain said they intercepted a credible Islamist-linked terror plot.
The planned attack would reportedly have been similar to the deadly commando-style raids in Mumbai, India, two years ago.
On Tuesday night the Eiffel Tower in Paris was evacuated following a bomb threat called in from a telephone booth.
It was the second such alert at the tower in two weeks. A search by bomb experts found nothing unusual and it was reopened within hours.
Such incidents are of particular concern to those working in the travel industry, who fear terror threats may drive down tourist numbers.


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