pic. found at moonbattery.com |
- No need to feel guilty about anything.. ever. You don't believe in God so no overall consequences.
- Give Millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars away to foreign countries.
- The ability to get away with murder and more. Do whatever you want! The media is in your corner. Father was a radical, Aunt lives here illegally and collects $800 a month in government benefits, don't worry about it! The media has your back.
- The ability to Rewrite history. As a progressive you are granted the right to discredit all history, all together, and make up your own.
- The ability to pervert science to match your agenda. Use tax payer dollars to fund projects that only match the green agenda.
- The ability to make promises you don't have to keep. Promise that the government will proved everything the people may need, steal most of the money, and then just blame the other political party for failures, thus allowing you to start that process over again.
- Dismiss everyone that disagrees with you. Discredit every argument explain they haven't "mentally evolved" to your level.
- Use "Hate Groups" like the black panthers as an action arm. Really any fringe group with a history of destruction or domestic terrorism will do. William Ayers prime example.
- Feel free to be a complete hypocrite. You are smarter than the average person so feel free to enact a "do as I say not as I do attitude."
- Reverse your positions as many times as you wish. Your are intellectually superior after all.
- Never make a hard decision. If a difficult situation calls for a hard decision merely make up a completely unrealistic option that has 0 chance of working but sounds good to people.
- Ignore laws to further your own agenda. Too many to site but one great example is illegal immigration.
- Foster Global Support by undermining your own country.
- Support public education while sending your own children to private school
- No need to contribute to charity, the government will do it for you.
- Ability to define intelligent/intellectual around things you believe.
- To be able to race bait anytime it could benefit you.
- Public funding of things they want is okay, opponents not so much.
- Judges will side cases in your favor even though law and precedent is against you.
- Can sue over anything they want.
- Moving up the social ladder is easier as a liberal in almost every metro in the nation.
- Easier to make it in Hollywood
- Liberal women are easy. They've been brainwashed to think promiscuity "empowers" them.
- Ability to tell a bold face lie.. then just claim you "misspoke"
- Ability to rest assured you have a base of uninformed that will vote for you because you are offering to give them something for it.
- Ability to rely on a base that will never disagree with anything you say. Jesus Christ Himself can come down from heaven.. announce he is a conservative.. and even the most devout religious democrat will say "I knew that Jesus was a bad guy"...
- Ability to Always feel superior to those around you, rest assured everyone around can stand to learn something from you.
- Ability to ignore facts and reason.
- You actually do not have to produce results to be a success.
- The Ability to "Blame BUSH" for everything that is wrong with not just the country, but the entire planet. This ability never expires. It can be used today and forever.
- Proudly crow about your progressive bonafides as a champion of Women's Liberation and simultaneously excuse the mysogonistic behavior or Islamic Radicals (Because you're tolerant, baby).
- The ability to use racial slurs against your opponents and still not be a racist.
- The ability to call your opponent "stupid" because their knowledge of history and/or the constitution outstrips your own, and rest assured the media will back you up. See Sarah Palin and 1773; Christine O'Donnell and the First Ammendment, etc.
- You can pass off misinformation, biased opinion, slander and outright lies as "news".
- The ability to believe that you can behave however you want to as well as believing that others in society should be forced to pay for the consequences of your behavior.
- The ability to blatantly rig elections while the media turns its head
- The ability to infiltrate the republican party as a "neo-con"
- The ability to keep black people enslaved.
- The ability to bribe voters (Harry Reid)
- The ability to have a thug action arm (Unions)
- The ability to offend the majority, while claiming you're offended.
- Atonement for all of your "White Guilt"
- Money from George Soros
- The ability to pay all of your friends and cronies with our tax dollars and call it "Stimulus"
- Be anti war, while waging one
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