Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I wish to offer my heartfelt thanks to those who have offered their condolences and prayers for the loss of my mother. I will have to wait until my younger sister returns home to Illinois to send me a crucial picture of my mom before I can complete the tribute and get it posted. It may take another week before it is complete, but as soon as it is done, I will get it posted.

Now for this:

US Senator and chairman of Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee, John Kerry, is pushing to have a two-way exchange of professionals like teachers, city planners, and PUBLIC HEALTH WORKERS, as a way of cementing ties with the Muslim world. Could this be the liberals way of making the United States Sharia compliant?

That is all we need, to fill our hospitals and health clinics with radical Muslims. Click on the following link to see what horrors we just might be bringing upon our health care system if we allow this to happen:



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