Yesterday I received an email from my New York State Senator, Michael F. Nozzolio.
In his email, Sen. Nozzolio lamented the insanity and mismanagement in the way the State of New York is being run.
For those who may not live in New York State, we have a budget process being led by legislators who refuse to follow the budget reform laws that were enacted just three years ago to prevent this type of behavior from taking place! Our governor, Governor Patterson is on the verge of shutting down the State.
Sen. Nozzolio went on to say how the State needs to cut spending, yada-yada-yada, we have all heard that song and dance routine before. Well, after reading his email, it set my blood to boiling which led me to write the following letter to him, which I mailed via snail-mail last evening. I also sent an exact copy to his email address. The following is the letter I sent:
c/o 413 Legislative Office Building
Albany, NY 12247
Dear Sen. Nozzolio;
I hate being a pessimist, but since Obama has been in office, I have seen nothing at all to bring out the optimist in me. One would have to be totally blind and or ignorant not to see that the United States of America is being systematically destroyed and those on the left are using the economy to do it. What Albany, under this and former administrations, is doing to New York State is a microcosm of what Washington, D.C. is doing to the rest of the country, and believe me, it would not have been any different if Elliot Spitzer was still in the Governor's seat.
The mainstream media has not been honest with the American people about what has been going on, and by the same token, neither have the politicians from either political party. The Democrat party has now been completely taken over by Socialist/Marxist Communists, (no Senator, I am not a kook, a conspiracy theorist, and I don't sit around in a basement staring at my computer screen all day wearing nothing but my underwear and a tin-foil hat) I know what is going on because, having been educated at a time when our public school system was still worth a damn, I learned to think and analyze various situations. When I add one and one, I always come up with two.
I discovered a long time ago, that slowly both the Republican and the Democrat parties were morphing into one. As the years went by, Conservatives were saying more and more, that they had to reach out across the aisle to work with the left in bi-partisanship, they had to compromise, and while the masses were having their gray matter turned to mush through the "brainwashing" that began to pass for education, and while they were being lulled into a stupor by both the mainstream media and the entertainment media, very few of us became aware that "compromise" and "bipartisanship" actually meant compromising with EVIL.
The few of us who did see what was happening, saw that every time the RIGHT compromised with the LEFT, it was the RIGHT who was forced to give in to the demands of the LEFT, a little here, a little there, and every single time the Republicans gave an inch, the Democrats grabbed a mile. We saw this when it came to prayer in school, we saw this when it came to instituting sex education in our schools, we saw it when it came to legalizing abortion, we saw it when it came to 'gay rights' and instituting the gay agenda in our public school system, and we saw whenever it came to any of the issues that affected the security, morals and financial well-being of this nation.
It has now become very clear that WE THE PEOPLE actually have little to no say when it comes to who the candidates will be for all major offices on every level of government, local, state, and federal, in both major parties. There are those behind the scenes, the big money manipulators, call them the Rothschild's, George Soros, etc., it makes no difference, because through the World Bank, the Trilateral Commission, the Commission on Foreign Affairs, and the Bilderbergers, who control both parties to such a degree that it really makes no difference to them which party gets in, because they WILL end up the winners when the smoke clears.
If you don't believe this, then pray tell, how do you explain the fact that a completely unknown candidate, someone that no one has heard of, can suddenly rise up out of no where, someone who supposedly comes from a poor single-parent background, like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, yet as poor as they were and never having held even a part-time job during their teens, managed to have all kinds of money to travel all over the world and attend the best and most prestigious colleges and universities, then end up occupying the highest office in the land? How do you explain men like George H. and George W. Bush, both of whom ran as staunch Republicans, but once elected, they couldn't do enough to appease those pushing for a New World Order (One World Government).
How do you explain the fact that neither political party has done absolutely anything to stem the flood of illegal immigrants into this country, and the leaders of both parties keep demanding "comprehensive immigration reform" which means granting amnesty and citizenship to the illegals, even though the vast majority of Americans are against it? How do you explain the fact that a number of years ago, in the gubernatorial race here in New York Stater, it was Mario Cumo's opponent who carried the entire upstate area, while Cumo carried New York City and was declared the winner. When those of us with smarts questioned this, we were told that the population of New York City is much larger then all the rest of the state put together. Good God, one would have to get up awfully late in the day to believe that line. We see this same line when it comes to the New York State Lottery. If you watch the results, when the jackpot is 5 million or less, the winner is from somewhere upstate, but in the vast majority of cases, when the jackpot is over 5 million, usually 10 million or more, the winner is almost always from down state. This makes one say: "Hmmmm."
And speaking of the Lottery, how is it that when the state government wanted to pass not only the lottery, but OTB (Off Track Betting), they promised the citizens of New York State that the money generated would go toward education, yet every year since the inception of both the Lottery and OTB, our schools have gone deeper and deeper into the red, and have had to cut programs, where has all the money gone?
I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but I believe that we are beyond the point of ever being able to "restore balance to New York State Government" or the Federal Government for that matter. The federal government is totally out of control when it comes to fiscal management and it is looking for more and more ways to grab more and more control over everything in this nation, and not only is it putting the nation deeper and deeper into debt, costing us more and more jobs, it is eating away more and more at our freedoms. We are now at a point that States Rights are just about non-existent due to the federal government usurping powers that do not belong to it. They get away with ordering unfunded mandates on to the states, and what do the states do? They go along with it, oh sure, they may make token objections but in the end, the states accept it and then pass the costs on down to the local county, city and town governments, which ultimately places the huge financial burden on the backs of WE THE PEOPLE in the form of higher taxes, higher prices and loss of jobs.
Have you ever stopped to consider that the main problems here in New York State lies with the two members of the U.S. Senate from New York, Chuck Schumer and Gillibrand, who support EVERYTHING Obama and his Administration are doing to America? The same goes for the New York State Representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives. How can we restore anything or win anything when our own elected officials are selling us out?
The federal government keeps raising taxes, even if they are so-called 'hidden taxes', but instead of paying off the debt, they come up with even more programs to spend even more money on, so that now our children and grandchildren for generations to come have been sold into bondage and servitude, and the state governments have and continue to do the same damn thing, only on a slightly smaller scale. And, while WE THE PEOPLE find ourselves being crushed under the burden of mounting debt, lost jobs and lost freedoms, those sitting in their high towers, the ones who pass and enact all of these burdensome and crushing rules, regulations, statutes and laws, always find ways of exempting themselves and special interest groups from the very rules, regulations, statutes and laws, that they impose on the very people they work for.
Now it is time to really face the truth. It is time for all Americans to pull their heads out of the sand or whatever bodily orifice they may have them jammed. The United States of America has now reached the tipping point where it is now too late to turn things around through elections or any peaceful manner. We have moved so far away from the decent moral values which the founding fathers based this nation on, to the point that America today is totally unrecognizable even from the America I myself grew up in. If you and all other American citizens were to be honest, you would have to admit that we have ONLY two options left. Neither of these options are preferable to me, but they are the only two left; either we can submit like sheep and roll over like whipped dogs as the "Elite" snap the collar of servitude on us and/or lead us off to re-education camps, or we can rise up like true PATRIOTS, in open armed rebellion and hope to win, facing probable death. The choice is ours, and how our posterity looks back on us depends on which choice we make. Either way, may God have mercy on us, because no one else will.
Most Rev. Archbishop "Abouna" Gregori
In his email, Sen. Nozzolio lamented the insanity and mismanagement in the way the State of New York is being run.
For those who may not live in New York State, we have a budget process being led by legislators who refuse to follow the budget reform laws that were enacted just three years ago to prevent this type of behavior from taking place! Our governor, Governor Patterson is on the verge of shutting down the State.
Sen. Nozzolio went on to say how the State needs to cut spending, yada-yada-yada, we have all heard that song and dance routine before. Well, after reading his email, it set my blood to boiling which led me to write the following letter to him, which I mailed via snail-mail last evening. I also sent an exact copy to his email address. The following is the letter I sent:
June 17, 2010
Most Rev. Archbishop Gregori
Senator Michael F. NozzolioMost Rev. Archbishop Gregori
c/o 413 Legislative Office Building
Albany, NY 12247
Dear Sen. Nozzolio;
I hate being a pessimist, but since Obama has been in office, I have seen nothing at all to bring out the optimist in me. One would have to be totally blind and or ignorant not to see that the United States of America is being systematically destroyed and those on the left are using the economy to do it. What Albany, under this and former administrations, is doing to New York State is a microcosm of what Washington, D.C. is doing to the rest of the country, and believe me, it would not have been any different if Elliot Spitzer was still in the Governor's seat.
The mainstream media has not been honest with the American people about what has been going on, and by the same token, neither have the politicians from either political party. The Democrat party has now been completely taken over by Socialist/Marxist Communists, (no Senator, I am not a kook, a conspiracy theorist, and I don't sit around in a basement staring at my computer screen all day wearing nothing but my underwear and a tin-foil hat) I know what is going on because, having been educated at a time when our public school system was still worth a damn, I learned to think and analyze various situations. When I add one and one, I always come up with two.
I discovered a long time ago, that slowly both the Republican and the Democrat parties were morphing into one. As the years went by, Conservatives were saying more and more, that they had to reach out across the aisle to work with the left in bi-partisanship, they had to compromise, and while the masses were having their gray matter turned to mush through the "brainwashing" that began to pass for education, and while they were being lulled into a stupor by both the mainstream media and the entertainment media, very few of us became aware that "compromise" and "bipartisanship" actually meant compromising with EVIL.
The few of us who did see what was happening, saw that every time the RIGHT compromised with the LEFT, it was the RIGHT who was forced to give in to the demands of the LEFT, a little here, a little there, and every single time the Republicans gave an inch, the Democrats grabbed a mile. We saw this when it came to prayer in school, we saw this when it came to instituting sex education in our schools, we saw it when it came to legalizing abortion, we saw it when it came to 'gay rights' and instituting the gay agenda in our public school system, and we saw whenever it came to any of the issues that affected the security, morals and financial well-being of this nation.
It has now become very clear that WE THE PEOPLE actually have little to no say when it comes to who the candidates will be for all major offices on every level of government, local, state, and federal, in both major parties. There are those behind the scenes, the big money manipulators, call them the Rothschild's, George Soros, etc., it makes no difference, because through the World Bank, the Trilateral Commission, the Commission on Foreign Affairs, and the Bilderbergers, who control both parties to such a degree that it really makes no difference to them which party gets in, because they WILL end up the winners when the smoke clears.
If you don't believe this, then pray tell, how do you explain the fact that a completely unknown candidate, someone that no one has heard of, can suddenly rise up out of no where, someone who supposedly comes from a poor single-parent background, like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, yet as poor as they were and never having held even a part-time job during their teens, managed to have all kinds of money to travel all over the world and attend the best and most prestigious colleges and universities, then end up occupying the highest office in the land? How do you explain men like George H. and George W. Bush, both of whom ran as staunch Republicans, but once elected, they couldn't do enough to appease those pushing for a New World Order (One World Government).
How do you explain the fact that neither political party has done absolutely anything to stem the flood of illegal immigrants into this country, and the leaders of both parties keep demanding "comprehensive immigration reform" which means granting amnesty and citizenship to the illegals, even though the vast majority of Americans are against it? How do you explain the fact that a number of years ago, in the gubernatorial race here in New York Stater, it was Mario Cumo's opponent who carried the entire upstate area, while Cumo carried New York City and was declared the winner. When those of us with smarts questioned this, we were told that the population of New York City is much larger then all the rest of the state put together. Good God, one would have to get up awfully late in the day to believe that line. We see this same line when it comes to the New York State Lottery. If you watch the results, when the jackpot is 5 million or less, the winner is from somewhere upstate, but in the vast majority of cases, when the jackpot is over 5 million, usually 10 million or more, the winner is almost always from down state. This makes one say: "Hmmmm."
And speaking of the Lottery, how is it that when the state government wanted to pass not only the lottery, but OTB (Off Track Betting), they promised the citizens of New York State that the money generated would go toward education, yet every year since the inception of both the Lottery and OTB, our schools have gone deeper and deeper into the red, and have had to cut programs, where has all the money gone?
I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but I believe that we are beyond the point of ever being able to "restore balance to New York State Government" or the Federal Government for that matter. The federal government is totally out of control when it comes to fiscal management and it is looking for more and more ways to grab more and more control over everything in this nation, and not only is it putting the nation deeper and deeper into debt, costing us more and more jobs, it is eating away more and more at our freedoms. We are now at a point that States Rights are just about non-existent due to the federal government usurping powers that do not belong to it. They get away with ordering unfunded mandates on to the states, and what do the states do? They go along with it, oh sure, they may make token objections but in the end, the states accept it and then pass the costs on down to the local county, city and town governments, which ultimately places the huge financial burden on the backs of WE THE PEOPLE in the form of higher taxes, higher prices and loss of jobs.
Have you ever stopped to consider that the main problems here in New York State lies with the two members of the U.S. Senate from New York, Chuck Schumer and Gillibrand, who support EVERYTHING Obama and his Administration are doing to America? The same goes for the New York State Representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives. How can we restore anything or win anything when our own elected officials are selling us out?
The federal government keeps raising taxes, even if they are so-called 'hidden taxes', but instead of paying off the debt, they come up with even more programs to spend even more money on, so that now our children and grandchildren for generations to come have been sold into bondage and servitude, and the state governments have and continue to do the same damn thing, only on a slightly smaller scale. And, while WE THE PEOPLE find ourselves being crushed under the burden of mounting debt, lost jobs and lost freedoms, those sitting in their high towers, the ones who pass and enact all of these burdensome and crushing rules, regulations, statutes and laws, always find ways of exempting themselves and special interest groups from the very rules, regulations, statutes and laws, that they impose on the very people they work for.
Now it is time to really face the truth. It is time for all Americans to pull their heads out of the sand or whatever bodily orifice they may have them jammed. The United States of America has now reached the tipping point where it is now too late to turn things around through elections or any peaceful manner. We have moved so far away from the decent moral values which the founding fathers based this nation on, to the point that America today is totally unrecognizable even from the America I myself grew up in. If you and all other American citizens were to be honest, you would have to admit that we have ONLY two options left. Neither of these options are preferable to me, but they are the only two left; either we can submit like sheep and roll over like whipped dogs as the "Elite" snap the collar of servitude on us and/or lead us off to re-education camps, or we can rise up like true PATRIOTS, in open armed rebellion and hope to win, facing probable death. The choice is ours, and how our posterity looks back on us depends on which choice we make. Either way, may God have mercy on us, because no one else will.
Most Rev. Archbishop "Abouna" Gregori

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