Monday, January 31, 2011

With each passing day, Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak's control is rapidly dissipating. The crisis is now in day seven. The military, called in to keep peace, has sided with the people. Some tanks even display anti-government messages.It what seems to be a last ditch effort to buy time, Egypt's newly appointed Vice President is in talks with the opposition. That is a sign Mubarak may be in his final days before some agreement to replace him is hashed out.The New York Times reports Mubarak’s...
My reaction to the news that young women don't know how to iron a shirt or cook a roast anymore is simply "Well, iron this, buddy!" As Enchidne concludes, it is really these lost gender roles that are being mourned -- the days when men brought home the bacon and women fried it up in a pan.As Miss Piggy says, what would you do with a food sack dress anyway.And anyone can learn how to cook a roast...
Once again, animals are trying to tell us something and we haven't been listeni...
Rarely are NHL fans treated to a new look midway through the NHL season. Rarely are we treated to a shift in the values, vision, and direction of a franchise so thoroughly with half the season still to be played. And it is the rarest of cases that a franchise will debut new uniforms midway through a season while still wearing their old uniforms. However, the Tampa Bay Lightning have decided to break...
This posting contains a video. To hear it properly, please mute the sound on the "Ave Maria" music widget located on the right hand side of this page.Due to a problem with one of the videos, in yesterdays posting, YouTube pulled my video. So therefore, I am re-posting my video with one minor change, which will allow you to still see all three of them. The first video shows the wonders of video technology that allows Martina McBride to sing a duet with Elvis Presley, even though she was born several...
In a case destined to go to the Supreme Court, the Insurance Journal reports Federal Judge in Florida Rules Federal Healthcare Law Must Be VoidedU.S. District Judge Roger Vinson, appointed to the bench by President Ronald Reagan in 1983, ruled that the reform law’s so-called “individual mandate” went too far in requiring that Americans start buying health insurance in 2014 or pay a penalty.“Because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire act must be declared void....
In Japan, wages are lower, but so are prices for goods and services, even food. Japan's companies are devising ways to profit from deflation, says Bloomberg writer Aki Ito in Japan Learns to Live with Deflation.Ben Bernanke has been lecturing on deflation's perils since he joined the Federal Reserve in 2002 and has often held up Japan as Exhibit A.There's something curious about the way the deflation syndrome has played out in Japan, though. The Japanese don't feel that threatened anymore. "Everyone...
I'm sticking fast to my resolve to not be on Twitter. I have no doubt that it would sometimes be fun and useful. On the other hand, do I need it? The answer is most definitely no. My life is so full of distractions. I rarely have enough time to focus clearly and at length on the things that matter most to me. I want to read in-depth articles and hefty novels, not skim headlines - in both the literal and figurative sense.I also want quiet space. I want space in my life not spent in front of a screen...
This posting contains a video. To hear it properly, please mute the sound on the "Ave Maria" music widget located on the right hand side of this page.I am finally back after a month long bout of pneumonia. I wish to thank all of you have expressed concern and offered prayers for my recovery.While I was ill, I paid very little attention to the garbage going on in the political world so I have a lot of catching up to do. Thus, for my first posting since returning, I have decided to post a fun video...
Here is an email from "Stephanie". She heard me talk about the economy on Coast-to-Coast AM radio with George Noory.Stephanie writes ....Hello Mish,I don't know if you give advice, but I heard you on Coast-To-Coast and you seem to know what you are talking about. I am 65 years old, get $938 from Social Security, and this is all I live on every month.I have a CD that is about $16,000 now and is providing $75 a month. In about a year that will stop because the interest has gone down so much. If you...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Business in Egypt has ground to a halt. Food and consumer goods stack up in ports. Gas stations have not had deliveries for days and supplies dwindle. Simple economic theory suggests prices will soar and they have.After an initial lukewarm reception when he first returned to Egypt, Nobel laureate and opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei has picked up some much-needed support from the Muslim Brotherhood. That support creates a somewhat united secular-religious opposition to Egyptian President Hosni...
Egypt is flying apart, China and India are both overheating, and there has been no financial reform that will accomplish anything; nonetheless, it's party time in Davos.One analyst with not enough clearance to party had a different message, so did Bloomberg columnist Simon Johnson. Otherwise it was party on dudes.Please consider Lonely Analyst Warns of 2015 Bank Crisis Amid ‘Upbeat’ Davos As politicians, executives and financiers networked at parties and panels last week in Davos, Switzerland, Barrie...
Many US citizens have been trapped in Egypt hoping to get to any other country for connecting flights. Unfortunately, flights out of Egypt have ground to a halt. In response, the New York Times reports U.S. to Evacuate AmericansThe Egyptian military reinforced parts of the capital on Sunday with tanks, jets and helicopters as tens of thousands of protesters flooded central Cairo for the sixth day, defying yet again government orders of a nationwide curfew.In a stunning collapse of authority, most...
Date: January 30, 2011Time: 12:45 a.m.There is something in the sky as I am writing this. I am in far south eastern Oneida county in northern Wisconsin, the object is a blinking light seeming to change colors, it is fairly low in the sky in a west, southwest direction from me. It is staying in the same place, but if I look at it long enough it appears to dart around a small area then stay still again....
It's that magical time of year when hockey gets back to its purest form and... alright, who am I kidding? I was asked by Phil Hecken to give some thoughts on the NHL All-Star Game jerseys for the incomparable Uni Watch Blog today, and I am replaying the article here. As you know, the NHL All-Star Game goes today, and there's something that has me excited about the game, but a number of things that...
Date: January 30, 2011Time: 1:10 a.m.Location of Sighting: Oxford Mississippi.Number of witnesses: 2Number of Objects: 1Shape of Objects: Boomerang.Full Description of Event/Sighting: We were watching the stars in a field when my friend said that she saw some strange boomerang-shaped object moving slowly across the sky. I couldn't see it unfortunately. The first one, according to my friend, "looked...
In light of firebombings, riots, and anarchy in Egypt, coupled with social unrest in Yemen, Jordan, Algeria, and Saudi Arabia, call options of those betting on higher oil prices soared to seven times normal activity on Friday.This weekend we saw the closing of Egyptian banks and the announced closing of Egyptian stock markets on Monday. However, it is hard to know what will happen next week.To help...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Date Of Release: January 29, 2011To join the free Yahoo UFO Newsletter, (Please note: To receive the Newsletter you have to get it through Yahoo Groups) website: and the Jeff Rense radio program The Vike Factor UFO Blog Vike...
Date: January 28, 2011Time: 1:00 a.m.Location of Sighting: Costa Mesa California.Number of witnesses: 1Number of Objects: 1Shape of Objects: Circular.Full Description of Event/Sighting: I usually see lots of aircraft pass by my window, when I saw a light. I thought it wasn’t any different. But, all of a sudden, I noticed that the lights were moving in a circular rotation and had many flashing lights....
Here is another video to consider, with video credit to Tamer Shaaban. It has close to 400,000 views when I saw it.I like one protester's message in the video ... "We will not be silenced. Whether you are a Christian, whether you are a Muslim, whether you are an atheist, you will demand your goddamn rights, and we will have our rights one way or the other! We will never be silenced!If the embed above does not play, here is a link: Police...
One sure way to get people fired up is to shut down the stock market and all the banks, thereby denying citizens access to their money. Yet, that is exactly the desperate course of action chosen by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.Protests have now spread to Saudi Arabia, and Jordan. So far however, the protests in Saudi Arabia are of a peaceful nature, mostly related to government response to flooding. Recent history suggests that may change at any moment into something far more significant.In...