Friday, December 31, 2010

Date: December 31, 2010Time: Approx: 11:53 p.m.My two friends and I saw an object gliding by our restaurant at around 11:53pm. The object had orange-reddish light forming a triangular shape that slid across the sky. The object made no sound as it distanced itself from view. It went from a close-up look to a distant figure in a matter of 1 to 2 minutes. We found this site as we are still trying to...
Date: January 1, 2011Time: 12:08 a.m.Location of Sighting: Salt Lake City Utah.Number of witnesses: 1Number of Objects: 1Shape of Objects: Round with orange aura. Full Description of Event/Sighting: It traveled upward, not toward the horizon. Horizontal seemed odd once it started making quick moves, abnormal for aircraft movement. Then continued heading upward. It was very cool stuff. I hope more...
Date: January 1, 2002Time: 2:00 a.m. – 3:00 a.m.Location of Sighting: Stockton California.Number of witnesses: 1Full Description of Event/Sighting: Now the way I remember I,t is it happened on New Years eve, actually New Years day if you want to be technical (Jan 1) I woke up around 2:00 – 3:00am. in the morning for I don't know what reason and out of my window I saw a blue light flash across my window....
Date: January 1, 2011Time: 12:20 a.m.I was enjoying the New Year and walked out into my backyard in Jacksonville Florida. I noticed an orange looking light that resembled an airplane. It was interesting to note that I had only seen one single engine plane since 10:00pm this evening, since I normally see airplanes in the sky constantly. Always see the blinking lights and very accustomed to seeing them....
Date: December 31, 2010Time: EveningMy name is (name removed). I can be reached, along with one of the other witnesses at (phone number removed). I wish I had observed the time of sighting. We are in Country Club Estates, along U.S. 19 near the Wal-Mart in Hudson/Bayonet Pt. Red/orange flickering light, larger than a pinpoint. Reminded us of a cigarette 'cherry'. Moved from SE to NW across our view...
We're back for the second half of Hockey Blog In Canada's Year In Review. Champagne, good food, and friends and family should be on the docket tonight, so HBIC will run through some of the highlights from the second half of the year. Yesterday, we took a look at the stories from January to June that attracted some attention, and we'll do the same today as we work through July to December. Happy New...
Date: December 31, 2010Time: Approx: 11:20 p.m.Two red lights slowly moving east to west across the sky. Around 11:20ish 3 witnesses saw it glide across the sky at a medium speed. dark but bright red. Appeared to have a membrane of light around them.If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting....
Date: December 31, 2010Time: Evening.A few neighbors a and I have seen a red fireball ball moving from East to west 3 times tonight in Holiday, Florida. No tail on this one either.If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:...
Date: December 31, 2010Time: Approx: 10:00 p.m.Me and my girlfriend were outside in our back yard letting our dog out around 10:00pm eastern standard time. We saw a red light come up from behind some tree's, but it was very fast moving and we tried to follow it, but it all of a sudden disappeared. We started talking about what it could of been and we did not hear any noise so we were confused. About...
You pay taxes for services. At least you think you do. Fifty cities in California think you don't. They tax the hell out of you, then bill you if you need services. Drivers who cause accidents in at least 50 cities can be billed for the police and firefighters who show up.Please consider 'Crash taxes' are growing in popularity among cash-strapped California citiesAt least 50 cities in the state have adopted so-called crash-tax laws allowing local governments to seek reimbursement from insurance...
Date: Late 1980/Early 1981.Time: 1:30 a.m. - 2:30 a.m.Number of witnesses: 1Number of Objects: 5 – 10 ?Shape of Objects: Spherical ?Full Description of Event/Sighting: I noticed a bright red/orange spot in the sky, which molted into greenish blue and then I noticed white other lights streaking across the night sky toward and away from the larger spot, at rates far faster than any earthly aircraft....
In response to European Sovereign Debt Crisis in Pictures; PIIGS Spreads to Germany at or Near Record Levels I received this chart from Chris Puplava at Financial on chart for sharper imageChris writes "In addition to foreign credit risk (Greece, PIIGS), I’m seeing my CINN STATE (CA, IL, NY, NJ) Credit Default Swap (CDS) composite moving higher again."Mike "Mish" Shedlockhttp://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.comClick...
As a way of wrapping up 2010 and looking ahead to 2011, I have created a survey for Mint News Blog readers. The questions are related to US Mint numismatic products, coins, and precious metals.Last year about 700 people responded to the survey, providing some interesting insights and surprisingly accurate predictions. This year, the survey is a little bit shorter with fewer open ended responses to...
Here is a quick post under the theme "Housing Bubbles Around The World". This one is from Norway, courtesy of reader Espen Johansen.Dear MishThank you for your effort to spread the economic truth in the jungle of lies. The Norwegian Central Bank and the authorities has fed the bubble monster for years by keeping interest rates too low too long, and the biggest culprit, socializing credit. (We have...
Last year I had put together a brief survey for Mint News Blog readers, which opened on December 31, 2009 and closed on January 8, 2010. The survey included questions about US Mint numismatic products, coins, and other topics of interest to collectors.Besides looking back over the previous year, there were also questions about the upcoming year and an opportunity for readers to make predictions. With...
When we state our wishes and dreams - out loud, in public - we open ourselves to ridicule and snark. So many people claim to know the future with great certainty - which is, of course, impossible. Wishes and dreams are too important to scoff at. All positive change begins in our imaginations. If we can't imagine something, we can't create it. Our dreams may not become reality, but I'd rather work towards a dream than ridicule dreamers.In 2011, I'd like to see...1. The end of the Harper Government.2....
For anyone interested, the wmtc redesign is complete. All the tabs (static pages) along the top are now written. Tonight at midnight, "L-girl" will be retired and "laura k" will take her place.I've used the name L-girl since I first got online in the late 1990s, as part of a bisexual women's community. I feel a bit sad saying goodbye to that name. But it's ti...
The sovereign debt crisis in Europe is still simmering. Country by country, spreads to German debt are at or near record levels.Chart follow snips from German Bonds Climb in 2010 as Fiscal Crisis Roils Euro Area German bunds climbed this year, the best performance since 2008, as the fiscal crisis that roiled the euro area’s most-indebted nations drove investors to the safest fixed-income assets in...

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Date: December 25, 2010Time: 5:15 p.m.Location of Sighting: South of Fowler California.Number of witnesses: 2Number of Objects: 1Shape of Objects: Oval.Full Description of Event/Sighting: My wife was driving north on CA-99 just south of Fowler when a light caught my eye out the passenger side window. It was at least two miles up in the air and at least five miles northeast of us moving east at several...
Time certainly has flown this year as we're two days away from recycling those 2010 calendars hanging on walls and posted on desks. Hockey has seen some great things this year, and we've also lost some icons that made the sport much better with their presence. We've seen players emerge as superstars and we've seen superstars fall to below-average play. All of this is actually a statement about the...
The latest Contrary Investor Subscriber Report contains an interesting set of charts and commentary that shows just how misguided Fed and Obama administration focus on supporting consumption as the means to improve GDP.Their analysis is always well written, so inquiring minds may wish to take a closer look.I have permission to do occasional clips so please consider this clip from Looking For Love...
Date: December 28 to the 29th, 2010Time: 10:30 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. then at 2:00 a.m. – 3:00 a.m.Location of Sighting: Ashland Virginia.Number of witnesses: 3Number of Objects: 4, 1, 1.Full Description of Event/Sighting: I was smoking a cigarette when I saw what I thought was a star at first, then it started moving. I grabbed some binoculars and they were flashing green and red. I then noticed there...
A small business owner friend of mine has some thoughts on the 2% payroll tax cut that I would like to share.SBO writes ...Hello MishHere's a quick note on the 2% payroll tax cut. We own a couple of small companies, each with under 200 employees. We provide health insurance to our employees, but they share the cost. We pay $300 per month per individual, and any cost above that (including cost increases) are shared 50-50. Our average salary is about $42,000. The 2% payroll tax cut will be about...