Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Shorter Canadian Institutes of Health Research:We won't do any research into whether liberation therapy is an effective treatment for multiple sclerosis, unless we already know that liberation therapy is an effective treatment for multiple scleros...
The announcement was made today, and I am still in shock over it. Long-time NHL defenceman Chris Chelios - he of 48 years young - has decided to hang up his skates for retirement. While most hockey players call it a career between the ages of 38 and 42, Chelios defied the odds and continued to play at a high level well past 45. However, it appears that Gordie Howe's record will continue to stand as...
I was thinking this afternoon, how about we all get together on New Years Eve and have a going away party for the United States?I mean, just how much longer can this nation survive while Obama occupies the Oval Office?This moron, who claims that it is his job as president is to see that we follow the Rule of Law and the Constitution. Yeah sure only when it comes to allowing his Muslim brothers to...
On September 2, 2010 at 12:00 Noon ET, the United States Mint will begin sales of the 2010-W James Buchanan's Liberty First Spouse Gold Coins. This will represent the 16th release in the overall series and the 4th and final release of the "Liberty subset".The obverse design of the coin is based on Christian Gobrecht's Liberty Head Quarter Eagle, minted from 1840 to 1907. Inscriptions have been added...
At first I thought the idea of vacationing with a virtual girlfriend was lame!  Yet another way to make fun of uber dorks with no real life relying on technology to be a companion.Then I considered the "virtual girlfriend".  She has some positives that real girls can never have.She doesn't cost anything to feed hence more vacation $$ to spend on yourselfShe doesn't bore you with annoying...
From the London Free Press, by Tarek Loubani:As a member of London's medical and Muslim communities, I was surprised to read the news that Dr. Khurram Sher was arrested Thursday along with two others, accused in a terrorism-related plot.I was also surprised -- and became increasingly concerned -- as more information was published regarding the allegations. Our system of justice is built on the zealous presumption of innocence, yet this man and the Muslim community around him have already been judged....
My mom comes in today for her annual visit, staying until Friday morning. I would have ordered last week's weather - cool, dry and autumnal - rather than this week's heat and oppressive humidity, but no one had the courtesy to ask. I hope the heat won't be prohibitive, as we have a much better time if we are out doing things. This year the plan is Mississauga and St. Jacobs. There are a few cultural and historical things to do in Mississauga - which proves that there's culture everywhere - and I...

Monday, August 30, 2010

In the end, nobody is going to remember exactly how Harper dismantled the gun registry, only whether he did it in spite of having a minority government. If the registry is dismantled, that the Tories abused the Private Members Bill to trick the NDP into abandoning their rural members will be portrayed by the media as an example of Harper's masterful parliamentary finesse. In retrospect, the bill should not have made it through second reading last fall. But by promoting the mantra about how private...
There sure seems to be a lot of news lately about how Threatened we are by Tamil "terrorists" by Russian jets and now by "homegrown terrorists" -- is this all just another Lucy and the football moment for the media? Or is there something weird underw...
Some interesting news hit the wires today as the Phoenix Business Journal is reporting that there is a new bid for the Phoenix Coyotes, and the mystery buyer wants to keep the team in the Glendale, Arizona locale! Honestly, between all the Ice Edge Holdings news and the possibility of the team relocating back to its original home of Winnipeg, Manitoba, I have been ready to close the book on this story...
Suspects Had Been Cleared Sunday by TSA in Chicago, Birmingham Despite Security Concerns...
Our comments in this post morphed - predictably, I think - into a conversation about the insanity taking place in the US against the planned Muslim cultural centre in lower Manhattan. In a recent column, Haroon Siddiqui pointed out that:This theme has emerged in opposition to mosque projects in California, Connecticut, Kentucky, Michigan, New York state, Texas and Tennessee.but concludes:These groups are noisy but marginal. This is the opposite of Europe, where Islamophobia has gone mainstream....
Also five years on: Ontario's discriminatory anti-pit-bull law. Many thanks to the organizers and attendees of yesterday's rally in Toronto, and to MPP Cheri DiNovo for everything she's done. In the Star: Dog owners want same laws for all breeds. One law for all. Is that too much to ask?Stop K9 Profil...
The fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina is also the fifth anniversary of the day we moved to Canada.It's a poignant anniversary, as two members of that family are gone now. Cody was in a den of boxes at the far back of the World Fullest Mini Van™. She had no grey fur yet! Buster was in the front, between us, touching me in some way for the entire trip. We had a cooler full of special food and medication...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Globe & Mail, one of Canada's daily national newspapers, has a number of excellent writers at its disposal. One of those writers is Mr. Bruce Dowbiggin. Today, Mr. Dowbiggin's column sounded surprisingly like an excerpt from the NHL Commissioner's various speeches about NHL participation at the Olympics. It is worth pointing out, though, that Mr. Dowbiggin is framing this article very well,...
I found three items in my inbox, seemingly unrelated, but in reality, inextricably connected. Think of their implications, on the people of the US and on the world.First we have The Real News' Paul Jay speaking with author Eric Margolis. The former head of the MI5, the British equivalent of the FBI or the RCMP, admits that the Iraq War was based on lies and deception - but consumers of mainstream US news never hear this. More at The Real News Next we have Glenn Greenwald musing on the The Washington...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Shorter Glenn Beck's "Restoration of Honor" rally:The South shall rise againUPDATE: Steve Benen argues that the Beckapalooza rally wasn't actually ABOUT anything. He has a point. But just as the message of the Iraq War was, get those Iraqis away from our oil, the message of the rally was, get that black man out of our White Hou...
If you watch Sunday evening television, or any sort of syndicated television, the image to the right is a bit of a joke from The Simpsons. While the Simpson family lives in a fictional town of Springfield, there is a real Springfield in Massachusetts that is home to the AHL Falcons franchise. This franchise has undergone many changes in its history, but they always seem to honour their past. With...
This was hanging in the kitchen when I came home from work. It wasn't there when I left this morni...
Back in the day, if a natural resource company started screwing around, a government would just expropriate the company, or at least would threaten to do so..So if BHP Billiton started screwing around with Saskatchewan potash mines -- like, shutting down mines because they were playing hardball on royalties or some other corporate game -- could the Saskatchewan government just expropriate the mines?Not really, not anymore -- NAFTA would be angry. And we wouldn't like NAFTA when its angry...
The owners must have set up the camera because they couldn't figure out how this puppy could keep getting out of the crate:Also tooUPDATE: And here's the one I was looking f...

Friday, August 27, 2010

With the summer months rolling into the autumn season, there are a lot of things to consider in terms of time. As you may be aware from reading this blog, I'll be away for the entire month of September, but this blog will not stop. Instead, I've already lined up some excellent writers to do a few pieces for me while I'm away, and they will receive the schedule this week. There are also some notes...
This post contains a video. To hear it properly, please turn off the sound on the "Ave Maria" music widget on the right hand side of the page.HANG ON TO YOUR HATS FOLKS, THIS SHOULD GIVE YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE A REAL JOLT.It appears that as Americans die at the hands of illegals, as our country falls victim to waves of illegals flooding in, Obama vacations his ass off, and he just don't seem to give a damn about us or our nation. Now, Obama's Immigration director has stopped ALL legal deportation proceedings...
My classes don't start until September 13, but next week my mother is here, so my time is suddenly very limited. As my last days of relative freedom tick away, I'm combing through some very old email in my inbox, to see what I can read, post and/or dispose of. I found a neat juxtaposition between two links sent by two of my main link-senders.First, Kevin Drum, writing in Mother Jones, makes a dead-on assessment of the Obama administration. Thanks to James.Here's the good news: this record of progressive...
If Eri Yoshida doesn't break baseball's gender barrier, maybe Chelsea Baker will. This is the kind of story I used to go after when I wrote for kids' magazines. So if you know any kids, send them this link. The original on ESPN.com has video, plus a sidebar about women in profressional baseball. In a league of her ownBy Ben HouserPLANT CITY, Fla. -- She registered another perfect pitching record this year, 12-0, for her Little League team.She threw her second perfect game -- and predicted this one...
I hope you will read this excellent Op-Ed by Seth Klein, director of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives' BC office, writing in The Province:What's happened to Canada's compassion? If the 492 Tamil asylum-seekers who recently arrived by boat on B.C.'s shores are "queue-jumpers," then I guess my parents were too.They came as Vietnam War draft dodgers from the U.S. in 1967. Like a couple of the Tamil women who just arrived, my mom was pregnant with me. My parents did not seek advance permission...
Keith Richards - rock icon, guitar legend, wizened senior spirit of rock, soul survivor, hero to millions and the first interest Allan and I discovered we had in common - wanted to be a librarian.It’s only books ’n’ shelves but I like itSHHH! Keith Richards, the grizzled veteran of rock’n’roll excess, has confessed to a secret longing: to be a librarian. After decades spent partying in a haze of alcohol and drugs, Richards will tell in his forthcoming autobiography that he has been quietly nurturing...
How's that for a headline? Please join us on Wednesday, September 8, at Toronto's Bloor Cinema, for a screening of "You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train: A Memoir of Howard Zinn".Naomi Klein will introduce the movie, and filmmakers Deb Ellis and Denis Mueller will be on hand to take questions. War resister Jeremy Hinzman will speak, and war resister Chuck Wiley will emcee the evening. Tickets are...
On Sunday, August 29, join people who love dogs and hate bigotry for Ontario's largest anti-breed-specific-legislation (BSL) rally ever.August 29 is the five-year anniversary of the day Ontario's unjust, ignorant BSL law went into effect. It is also the day before the five-year anniversary of our move to Canada. Because of that timing, our Buster was a criminal before his paws ever touched Ontario...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I'm not sure really how much we need to worry about the QMI news agency and Fox News North problem -- judging by the content of CNEWS lately, their stories will be about one step up from the National Enquirer. Today's 12 front page stories include these seven gems:Russian spy goes public with sexy shootSea monster or big fish in BC lake?Sex offender busted babysittingHome invasion horror for Toronto familyAustralian lizards on verge of evolutionary leapRoad rage gets British man 9 yearsVictim says...
We head back to the mailbag, or email inbox, for Thursday's question, and it's quite a doozy if I do say so myself. Personally, I like the tough questions, and I really want to be sure that I get this one right. It means a great deal to me, and I'm sure it means a great deal to the email writer and the people of Hartford, Connecticut. They may have the AHL's Hartford Wolf Pack playing there now, but...