There is a term that I am familiar with, in business - ROI or "return on investment". Basically, this is a measurement of the amount of investment, or money, you've put into a business venture and the return you've received after all is said and done. For example, if you've purchased 100 shares of some stock for $10 per share and receive $1M from it, your ROI would be ($1M-$1000)/$1000 which equals an ROI of $999 per share. There are other factors that may increase/decrease that ROI. For example,...
Saturday, May 24, 2008

I am sure my readers, all two of you, know that I am not a typical marijuana smoker. I know a lot more about this plant than most people will ever know. In fact, I've taught more than most people know. A day with me can seriously be an eye-opening experience, that is, if one is willing to allow their eyes to be opened. Anyway, in recent news, we've found that out that Ted Kennedy has been diagnosed with brain cancer, specifically a glioma. Doctors say that he may have three to six months to live....
Friday, May 23, 2008

So, I was coming from a friend's house in the north section of the Bronx on my way home. I spotted some proof that if there is a god in the Christian sense, "He" does indeed make mistakes. Here are some pictures of this menace to fashion, common sense, and humanity as a whole! I had to risk my life to take these pictures as I was driving and using my cellphone camera (STOP SNITCHING) to get this...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

PennsylvaniaPennsylvania is, of course, a component state of the United States of America, often simply referred to as Pa. Another name bandied around for Pennsylvanian is Quaker State as the Quaker help precedence in Pennsylvania when William Penn's Government help drafted the First Frame of Government constitution for Pennsylvania where the liberty of conscience is guaranteed. Its largest city is Philadelphia.Weddings in PennsylvaniaWeddings in Pennsylvania are conducted pretty much the same way...
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Personally, I've kept thoughts about "God" to myself so as to not offend others which include my own mother and father and many other people that I hold dear in my life. My willingness to express my disbelief in any god came from the recently uncovered writings by Albert Einstein."The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish."I agree with Albert Einstein...
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