Friday, November 23, 2007

Yes, I apologize to Vanilla Ice for the years of disrespect and jokes to his contribution to hip hop. Why? With the effort of so many people in the REAL hip hop community to keep Hip Hop fresh and real, we targeted fake rappers and sought out to execute em from the scene. Among the casualties was Vanilla Ice, one of the top selling sell outs at the time. Hip Hop recovered from the likes of Vanilla...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Here I go! I am on fire. I been thinking about this shit lately and I have come to the conclusion that Harlem ain't what it used to be.Being at the African American Day Parade was fun as hell. Me and my boy Gorgeous Billy Jenkins, because he gets all the ladies, were chillin right on 125th street. The great part about it was we were hanging with some old Black women, the grandmothers and great grandmothers of Harlem. Those ladies were fun as hell and racist as all get out now! But, their racism...