Saturday, November 19, 2005

Ok people, let's get our heads out of the clouds on this reggaeton phenomenon. I am going take it back to when I first heard about "reggaeton" when it was referred to as "Spanish Reggae." I was back in high school and my boy Rob, a Dominican cat with a mean jump shot, was telling me about Spanish reggae. He was down with some guys and it's going to blow up. He offered to actually bring me in on it. He also gave me an open invite to join the Latin Kings.But, I am not the type to go all crazy about...

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Yes everyone, I have decided that it is time that I came out of the closet myself. It seems so many people are coming out of the closet that I might as well come out as well!I AM A HETEROSEXUAL MANThere it goes! I have finally outted myself. I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my chest! I feel so free right now. I want to just run the streets kissing all the women I can find! I am man! Hear...

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Here, I sit up in the bed, again. Another sleepless, insomniac night where I can't sleep. I am actually tired of playing my games now. I swear I can only get so much of that and after a while I need to just put it down for a week or two. There's never anything on tv at night beyond crappy b-movies or some soft porn. Soft porn is about as useful as phone sex. Then you've got your paid programming. Paid programming just isn't the same without the George Foreman Grill and the other guy that says, "Set...

Thursday, August 25, 2005

I should have been in 1959 instead of 1979. That way I could have at least grown up in the 60s and 70s, relish in the 80s and enjoyed the 90s. So many reasons why I think this. Wanna hear it, here it go:MusicMusic today for the most part sucks red baboon ass. Hip Hop is steadily going down the tubes. Actually Hip Hop has been down the tubes for some time. The best pop star we have is Britney Spears. There isn't one viable R&B act out there at all. Rock & Roll is either too old or dead. Where...