Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Good God in Heaven, Somebody Please Wake Me the Hell Up! Stick Me With A Red Hot Poker And Tell Me I am Dreaming!

I knew that America elected a twit to the White House, but I didn't know just how much of a moron Obama really is until I heard this crap.

The Obama Justice Department has quietly ordered FBI agents to read Miranda rights to high value detainees captured and held at U.S. detention facilities in Afghanistan, according to a senior Republican on the House Intelligence Committee.

Is Obama a complete frigin idiot or is he purposely setting out totally destroy the United States? God Almighty, this s.o.b. is becoming more frightening by the day.

According to Representative Mike Rogers; "You have foreign fighters who are targeting U.S. troops today - foreign fighters who go to another country to kill Americans. We capture them ... and they're reading them their rights - Mirandizing these foreign fighters."

Rogers, a former FBI special agent and U.S. Army officer, said that Obama didn't even brief Congress about this. He said, "I was a little surprised to find it taking place when I showed up (in Afghanistan on an official fact-finding trip) because we had not been briefed on it, I didn't know about it. We are still trying to get to the bottom of it, but it is clearly a part of Obama's new global justice inititive."

Folks, either Obama is the most inept, unqualified ignorant bastard ever to be elected, or he is the shrewdest, most evil and sliest mother f%$ker to ever screw the masses. Either way, this son of a commie atheist whore needs to go NOW.


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