Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"A closed mouth gathers no foot."


Here is a question I just have to ask:

Is there a COVER-UP going on between the United States Supreme Court and Barack Obama?

Why did Obama meet with eight of the nine justices, (only Justice Alito was not present) in their private chambers in a meeting that was closed to the public, prior to his inauguration and just days before the Court was to hear a case regarding Obama's Constitutional eligibility to hold the Office of the President, being brought by California lawyer Orly Taitz?

Taitz's case was the most recent on which the Supreme Court held a "conference," an off-the-record discussion. This conference was held on January 23 (which came after the secret meeting with Obama) and they decided NOT to hear the Taitz case on it's merits.


Please click here to read the full story: WHAT DID OBAMA TELL THE SUPREME COURT?


As part of Barack Obama's ECONOMIC STIMULUS PACKAGE, a little known provision would DEMAND that every American submit to a government program for electronic medical records WITHOUT any choice of opting out. This data base will include the following: documentation on abortions, mental health problems, impotence, those who have been labeled as "non-compliant patient" by their doctor, those who have brought lawsuits against doctors, and those with sexual problems.

Our privacy rights will be decimated. Click here to read the details: THE FEDS WANT YOUR MEDICAL RECORDS!


Our Constitution, which is the Supreme Law of the Land, is in grave danger. It wasn't widely reported by the MSM, but during a radio interview, back in 2003, when Obama was an Illinois State Senator, he stated that; "If I ever had the opportunity, I would remove all of the 'safe-guards' that the founding fathers put into the Constitution because they are too restrictive on the president and the federal government." Now we are sitting back and watching as our Constitutional RIGHTS and FREEDOMS are being done away with piecemeal, and we do absolutely nothing to stop it.

If this is allowed to continue, I fear that we will witness the total destruction of our economy so that the federal government can gain total and absolute control over everything and everyone. I honestly believe that there is a good chance that like Venezuelan leader, Hugo Chavez, Barack Obama will become the absolute dictator and President for Life.

I believe that this will come to pass because those who claim to be Conservatives and Christians do not have the stomach or the moral courage to grab a gun and rise up to take back America and restore our Constitutional Republic. As long as this remains the case, and as long as our military, local, State and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies continue to back and up-hold the TRAITORS running this country, then we are doomed, no IFs, ANDs or BUTs about it. The sad reality is that WE the PEOPLE are the only ones who can prevent the collapse of America as we know it, but it can no longer be accomplished through the ballot box, because both the Republican Party and the Democrat Party have pretty much morphed into one. Sadly, the only solution, unless our political leaders wake up and see the light, is an ARMED REVOLUTION.

Yes, I am living in fear; fear not only for myself, but for my sons, their wives and my grandchildren. There is no place to run, because this same scenario is taking place all over the world.


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