Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Yeah. That's what I am thinking after this second presidential debate. Just to get it out of the way, if you can't already tell, Obama did a much better job than McCain ever could. What's sad, for McCain, is that the "town hall" format was supposed to be his big thing. It was the same as the first debate where foreign policy was supposed to be his big thing. How is it that in two debates where McCain was supposed to come out on top, he could perform so badly?

I think we have to realize two things here:
  1. McCain is NOT the maverick that he's made himself out to be
  2. Obama has proven himself to be the right man for the job
McCain is no maverick
I find it interesting how McCain tries to position himself as some sort of individual who goes against the Republican party. But, if you understand Republican ideology, you can fully understand why he's voted with Bush over 90% of the time. This is a number that not even McCain can argue. While there may be differences between individual Republicans, those differences are few are far in between. This is why McCain can't get away from the Bush tagging. He is Bush. Bush is his Daddy bush and Daddy Bush is Ronald Reagan. And, contrary to popular belief, Ronald Reagan, in my mind, is a royal disaster in every way shape and form. [Why?]

We have the real history of John McCain. While his father and grandfather have proven themselves to be great men in history, this McCain we have today is an absolute far cry from that greatness. Even in his own book he admits his misdeeds as a young man growing up - a failure, a loser, and someone who relied heavily on favoritism and nepotism because he couldn't hack it on his own. And even to this day, he exhibits the same qualities of entitlement, arrogance, and rash behavior. [more]

Finally, we've seen the real McCain. Even if we take him at face value today, he's simply not cut out for the job. His policies exacerbate the current problems of today. His constant lying is discredits his own ability to secure the trust of the people. His constant mistakes prove his own inability to judge correctly. The people around him aren't trustworthy in the least bit. In the Art of War, I learned that a leader must have three things to win a "war": the wisdom to make the right decisions, the will of the military that fight for him, and the trust of the people to support him. Once again, McCain fails another test.
Barack Obama has proven himself
While I found it interesting that McCain claims to be different from Republicans, I also found it interesting that Obama's voting with Democrats is supposed to be a problem. The problem here is that McCain tried to paint Obama as a follower while lying about his own voting record as if he wasn't a Republican. See, if you're a Republican, you should be voting Republican. If you're a Democrat, you should be voting Democratic. It's not about party lines, it's about ideology. If you didn't believe in Republican ideology, then how could you call yourself Republican? The truth is, McCain is a typical Republican and Obama is a typical Democrat. There's nothing wrong with believing either way unless you don't understand what it means to be a Republican or to be a Democrat. Do you truly understand the intricacies of each?

We also have a real history of Barack Obama. He's come from truly humble background which many of us can identify with - single parent home, no father, raised by his grandparents. He understands struggle. He wasn't given anything in life. He had to earn it. He wasn't given second and third and fourth and fifth chances. He had ONE. He made the best of the one chance he got. He played hard and he played smart. There's no other way to play the game.

Politically, Barack Obama was an unknown in the world of politics when this race began. I didn't know anything about it. I was for Hillary Clinton, all the way. But, this guy comes out of nowhere and gives my favorite first lady a run for her money. And, he beat her. He beat her fair and square. He out-maneuvered her, out-thought her, out-positioned her in every way shape and form. Hillary Clinton "kitchen-sinked" Barack Obama and he still beat her. Recently, a CNN commetator compared Barack Obama to an aircraft carrier, moving steady and staying the course. And, that is what he's been doing. So far, Obama has the wisdom, the will of the people that work for him, and it seems the voters are behind him. He is in the position to win the war.
I don't think at this point there's anything Obama needs to do outside of what he's been doing. John McCain is failing, yet again. He's resorting to a the "kitchen-sink" strategy that didn't work for Hillary Clinton. The nation's been hit too hard by too many Republican-borne diseases - two wars, high prices, deregulation, tax breaks for the wealthy, and the list goes on.

It's my opinion the days of the Republicans need to end. It's their policies and ideology that do not work in this 21st century world economy. There is no way that we can continue on this path without turning the United States into a third world nation - high unemployment, high prices, and extreme crime. Sure, we'll get through it again. But, it took a New Deal to do it. This time, we can't let Republicans shut down this nations progress.

Let's get used to saying President Obama for the next 4 years. Even if he doesn't serve two terms, let's get used to a Democratic president. Even if that is not so, let's simply NOT go back to the Republican ideologies that have brought us full circle to the brink of 21st century Great Depression.


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