Saturday, October 25, 2008

garage sale
Photo of garage sale belong to John Beagle

It is garage sales galore in the United States of America now. With many hit by falling house prices, falling wages or worst, joblessness and a need to feed the family or to service the monthly installments, many Americans are turning to garage sales to raise some cash.

Three-year-old Marita is a victim of the economic malaise. She had to watched as her family sold possessions, including her tricycle, at a recent garage sale in Manteca, California. The tricycle was sold even while she was riding on it. Beatriz, her mother, had lost her job as a floral designer two months ago. The family were forced to celebrate Marita’s third birthday without presents last week. There was only a small cake with Cinderella on the vanilla frosting to mark her birthday. The family have more pressing problems to worry about. They are forced to move from their present residence. They will be moving into a rental apartment next month.

Marita and Beatriz are not the only one suffering and forced to resort to garage sales to raise cash. A sign on Klondike Way: “Tools, various household items, & much more!” And at Virginia Street: “Moving Sale! Fridge, washer & dryer, men’s clothing, bike, BBQ, dinette, dresser, fans, microwaves, recliner, DVD player. Everything must go!”

Constantino Gonzalez lost his construction job and was forced to economize by disconnecting the Internet and long-distance telephone service and cut down use of the family truck and jeep. Gonzalez is now picking up his children on his bicycle. Gonzalez now carry his 6 year old son Daniel on the handlebar of the bicycle with the jolts cushioned by a terry-cloth towel. They also very reluctantly sold their children’s favorite toy, an inflatable bounce house for US$650, with pump.

On Chenin Blanc Drive, Robert Dadey, a car salesman, was holding his 20th garage sale. He is forced to sell the Oakland Raiders memorabilia, teddy bears and US$40 brown ultrasuede recliner in his midst on the lawn because of the bad times.

Manteca, population 67,700 with a 32.7 percent Hispanic, and other towns in the northern San Joaquin Valley were thriving growth centers, with stucco subdivisions carved out of almond orchards. Now with the sub-prime and credit squeeze crisis, 1,500 to 2,000 homes in Manteca are in various stages of foreclosure. House prices have fallen drastically. Farnsworth's house was previously valued at US$375,000 three years ago. It is now only worth US$200,000 today.

Source: Garage sales on the rise with economic downturn


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