My blood pressure just about went through the roof. Did you know that according to FOX NEWS channel's Brett Hume and Bill O'Reilly, the voter intimidation on the part of the New Black Panthers is "No big deal"? That's right, both Brett Hume and Bill O'Reilly have declared the voter intimidation as NO BIG DEAL!
As O'Reilly was interviewing Hume, Hume stated that it wasn't such a big deal and it really didn't matter if the Panthers were prosecuted or not, as long as the Department of Justice had been up front, and besides, nobody was actually prevented from voting. In return, O'Reilly said that he agreed. O'Reilly then added, it is no big deal, just one or two guys outside a voting booth.
Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, on his O'Reilly Factor show this evening when the following video clip was played, O'Reilly stated, "He (Shabaz) is no big deal, he is just one guy with no real power."
Since when is any violation or attempted violation of the Constitution of the United States NO BIG DEAL? This is the same damn thing that the MSM, including O'Reilly, Hannity, and Beck have been telling the American people concerning the very possible constitutional ineligibility of Barack Obama to even occupy the Oval Office. It's no big deal, it isn't that important.
This kind of response from people who should know better, just pisses me off no end.
If radical groups can intimidate voters at the polling booths, if our very top officials can openly defy the laws of the United States by refusing to do the jobs for which they were elected or appointed, if illegal immigrants can be allowed to enter the United States at will, with no fear of reprisal, if the Supreme Law of the Land, the Constitution of the United States can be ignored, twisted, and just plain violated by every branch of the federal government and every Department of the federal government, then do we even have a Constitutional Union anymore?
How about the FACT that we have been lied to over and over again by Obama and his administration concerning the Health Care Reform Act? How many times have they told us that there will NOT be any health care rationing? Then today, it is announced that Barack Obama once again by-past Congress by making a recess appointment to get around Republican opposition that threatened to derail Dr. Donald Berwick's confirmation. Dr. Berwick has been appointed by Obama to head Medicare and Medicaid. The whole problem with Berwick's appointment is that, in the words of Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., "Dr. Berwick is a self-professed supporter of rationing health care, and he won't even have to explain his views to the American people in a Congressional hearing." Yes, Berwick will instill health care rationing and the first ones to feel it will be the elderly.
So just where are our constitutional rights? It is now time to wake the hell up and ACT NOW before it becomes completely too late. DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOW WHY I AM CALLING FOR A DISSOLUTION OF THE UNION (a Union that for all practical purposes does NOT exist any more).
As I have stated before, the Federal Government has already broken faith and trust with We the People, and in so doing they have violated the Contract (the Constitution of the United States) that binds us together in a Union of the "Several States".
The first violation of this "contract" occurred when the Federal Government violated Article IV - Section 4; which reads:
ARTICLE IV - Section 4;
The United States shall guarantee to every state in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.
The first violation of this Article occured on December 23, 1913, when the government of the United States STOPPED functioning as a Constitutional Republic and began to function as a Democracy.
The second violation occurred when the federal government refused to properly secure our borders and have consistently allowed illegal immigration to continue unabated, then allowing amnesty and citizenship to illegals over the objections of We the People.
Since then, one violation after another has occurred unabated by all three branches of the government with the passing and enacting of one unconstitutional law after another, and the usurpation of powers not granted to any of the three branches of government, by the Constitution.
Now I hope and pray that each of you are getting as pissed off as I am, because maybe you will finally rise up and put a STOP to this TYRANNY.
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