Tuesday, July 13, 2010

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Liberation Theology:

I have posted the following videos of this evenings Glenn Beck Show because I believe it goes along with my posting yesterday of the Church Is Failing.

We all have our own thoughts and feelings about Glenn Beck, but very often, he is absolutely correct on what he says, and today's show is right on the mark.

For those of you who may not have seen his show this evening, I strongly advise you to watch all four videos because his message is extremely important.

Those of you who call yourselves Christians and Patriots, had better wake up, get yourselves right with God, get into a Church that preaches the True Gospel of Jesus Christ, then get the courage to be ready to stand, not only for Jesus Christ, but also to stand for your country.

If we can take control of Congress this November then we MUST join together as Americans and force Congress to bring Articles of Impeachment against Obama and his entire administration. Once Obama has been impeached, we must then call for him to be tried for TREASON or at the very least for CRIMES AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

Anyone who does not believe that Obama is a Communist and firm believer in Liberation Theology are just kidding themselves. It is time that everyone realizes that Obama IS DANGEROUS and EVIL!

Glenn Beck - Liberation Theology

Part I:

Part II:

Part III:

Part IV:


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