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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Madame's Political Science Lesson

Today marked the 222nd anniversary of the signing of the United States Constitution. The two Constitutional law professors, the Great Opologizer and Vice President Hair Plugs, that we have leading our great nation did indeed declare today Constitution Day and Citizenship Day. What article outlines the role of the executive branch, Mr. Biden? However, the Great Opologizer spent much of today trying to perfect his President Carter imitation. Peanut farmer, ACORN leader--it's all nuts, I tell you!

Madame wrote a nice, concise Facebook post about the Constitution:
“The Constitution of the United States was created by the people of the United States composing the respective states, who alone had the right.” - James Madison

Today marks the 222nd anniversary of the formation and signing of our Constitution. The United States Constitution is one of the greatest founding documents in history because it charted a bold new path in the realm of political theory. Not only does the Constitution establish checks and balances within the federal government, it also divides power among the federal government, the states, and the people. The Founders understood that it is the nature of government to grow at the expense of the people’s liberty; and with that in mind, they established a form of government that would be limited in scope and power in order to maximize power to the people.

Today, let’s also take the opportunity to thank our armed forces. The weight of defending our liberty rests on their shoulders, and because of their efforts and sacrifice, we can celebrate the 222nd anniversary of the formation of our Constitution.
"The Constitution is a bold new path in the realm of political theory." It is the oldest and shortest written Constitution of any major government in the world. It does limit the power of the federal government while dividing power among state and local governments. It's this crazy little thing called federalism, Mr. President. Madame and Thomas Jefferson know a little bit about this thing called federalism as also re-emphasized in the 10th amendment.

My press secretary is from the Great Opologizer's home state of Illinois, and she told me that the Illinois state motto is "state sovereignty, national union". This is a concept completely lost on President Obama.

Madame also emphasized, " [t]he Founders understood that it is the nature of government to grow at the expense of the people’s liberty; and with that in mind, they established a form of government that would be limited in scope and power in order to maximize power to the people". It sounds like Madame understands the ninth amendment. Madame knows that it was self-determination and rugged individualism that founded this country, and it is self-determination and rugged individualism that must sustain this country.

As always, Madame took time to thank the troops. I know that she is especially excited that her favorite soldier is due home this weekend.

Although Madame did not explicitly mention the first two amendments in today's post, I know that she is particularly fond of these two amendments.

She took the time to emphasize the time in her Farewell speech to emphasize two rights mentioned in the First Amendment:
Together we stand with gratitude for the troops who protect all our cherished freedoms. This includes our First Amendment guaranteed freedom of speech – which, par for the course – I shall exercise. First, with some “straight talk,” I will address some, just some, in the media because another right that is protected is the freedom of the press. You have such important jobs reporting facts and informing the electorate and exerting power to influence. You represent what could and should be a respected and honest profession that could and should be a cornerstone of our democracy. Democracy depends on you. That is why our troops are willing to die for you. So, how about in honor of the American soldier you quit making things up. And don’t underestimate the wisdom of the American people.

In one of our first Facebook posts, she took the opportunity to stand up for Carrie Prejean's freedom of speech.

Finally, just for kicks, I would like to compare and contrast Madame exercising her second amendment rights and First Lady Obama exercising her second amendment rights. Let's just say they interpret this amendment a little bit differently.

Madame exercising her right to bear arms

First Lady Obama exercising
her right to bare arms

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