After viewing the video I posted yesterday about the MSM and the Obama birth certificate issue, a couple more times, I became even more irate and disgusted to the point that I decided to pen a letter to the Fox News Network and let them know just what I think, and where they can put their "Fair and Balanced".
Just encase some of you may not have seen the video of which I speak, here it is:
Now for my letter to Fox:
Dear Sirs;
The attitudes of your on air personalities toward honest patriotic American citizens, who care deeply about the Constitution of the United States and their rights and freedoms, and would like to see the eligibility issue concerning Barack Obama solved to our satisfaction, shows just how despicable you all are. All we are asking, due to all of the controversy, is that Barack Hussein Obama prove in a court of law, in an open and above board manner, that he is constitutionally eligible to hold the Office of President, and this can readily be done by producing and making public a vault form birth certificate and opening up his school and college records. For your station to utterly dismiss us as being conspiracy theorist loons and attempting to discredit us by name calling, referring to us as "birthers", shows just what hypocritical liars you people are, saying you are "fair and balanced."
All of your 'on air' personalities and some of your so-called contributors have a hell of a lot of nerve calling themselves conservatives or even patriots, after some of their statements concerning this issue.
Bill O'Reilly (Mr. "I'm looking out for the folks", and self-proclaimed Libertarian) said: "That theory has been around for a while, and the 'FACTOR' investigated it and it is bogus." Just what exactly did the FACTOR investigate? Then as a guest on his show was trying to explain that none of the cable news networks were able to find out some information, O'Reilly cut him off saying; "I don't care, if I wanted to know, I could find out tomorrow." Well if O'Reilly was really looking out for the folks, he would insist on a real and complete investigation of this issue, because We the People care and we want to know the truth. This just proves that O'Reilly is only looking out for his own bottom line and not for the folks. We not only want to know, we have a RIGHT to know!
If the FACTOR really did an investigation into this issue, they would know that what Obama posted to his website, was NOT his birth certificate. Everybody knows that a vault form birth certificate contains the name of the hospital in which one was born, along with the name of the attending physician. What Obama posted did not contain any of that information. What he posted was a 'certificate of live birth' which is NOT the same as a birth certificate. At the time of Obama's supposed birth in Hawaii, the State of Hawaii permitted parents of children born out of state (even out of country) to apply for and obtain a certificate of live birth. Also, doesn't it seem rather odd, to you folks in the News media, that neither Barack nor his half sister even know exactly which hospital in Hawaii he was born in?
Glenn Beck, whom I had a lot of respect for, said that he doesn't even want to discuss the Obama birth certificate or eligibility issue, saying: "If it is true (that Obama is not constitutionally eligible to be president), and I don't think it is, can you imagine the harm it will do to the country?" Hey Glenn, if it is true, what difference would it make what harm it will do to the country? If it is true, then no matter what the harm would be, Obama should be REMOVED from office post-haste. Fear of harm is no reason to allow the violation of the Constitution. Either we have a Constitution or we don't, either we are a nation that operates under the "Rule of Law" or we are not. If we ignore this issue and sweep it under the proverbial rug, and allow a usurper to remain in office, the damage and harm to the United States and our Constitutional form of government will be far worse and long-lasting, if not permanent, because it would then set a precedent for a foreign national or someone with dual citizenship to occupy the Office of President, and this would be blatantly in opposition to what the founders of this Constitutional Republic intended, and it would be completely unacceptable to all true patriotic Americans.
Shepherd Smith, who seems to enjoy making snarky remarks when some of his guests are talking, made the statement that those who are insisting on investigating the Obama birth certificate issue, are "taking us to a dark and scary place." Yo, Shepherd, having a man occupy the office of president, who very well may not be constitutionally eligible, especially one who surrounds himself with liars, tax cheats, shoplifters and avowed socialist/communists as part of his inner circle and close advisers is far more darker and scarier for America.
Then you have Geraldo Rivera who had the unmitigated gall to say on air: "Everyone knows that Lou Dobbs is a dope." This coming from a bigot who supports 'Sanctuary Cities' for illegal immigrants and who supports La Raza. Geraldo also likes to bad mouth American citizens who advocate for secure borders and who are against amnesty for illegals. Just what exactly makes Lou Dobbs a dope? Is it because he is the only one in the MSM who has the gonads to speak up on the Obama birth certificate/constitutional eligibility issue. Geraldo should take a long hard look in the mirror before he goes around calling other people dopes.
Ann Coulter, one of your "contributers" who likes to portray herself as a paragon of conservatism, also has demeaned patriotic Americans who demand that Obama produce a valid vault form (long form) birth certificate. Hey Ann, that is our RIGHT to know. Why is it that the Senate held a hearing to investigate if Sen. John McCain was eligible to be president, when questions arose about his being born in the Panama Canal Zone, but Obama was never properly vetted, not by the Senate, not by the courts, and especially not by the media, including Fox News?
Why is it that none of the MSM, including Fox, have NEVER looked into the fact that even the courts, including the Supreme Court, keep refusing to hear any of the cases brought before them, concerning Obama's eligibility to hold the Office of President, claiming that those who are bringing the cases "do not have standing?" If American citizens don't have "standing" in a court of law concerning possible violations of the Constitution of the United States, then just who the hell does?
If you folks at Fox are so "fair and balanced", then start proving it by properly investigating the Obama birth certificate issue and let the chips fall where they may. If it turns out that Obama is not eligible, then he should and must be removed from office, no matter what the consequences. America will overcome whatever problems that may arise from it. We will NOT be able to overcome the damage that is being done to our nation if he is allowed to remain in office if he is not constitutionally eligible.
You folks should be asking yourselves; "If Barack Obama has nothing to hide, then why is he refusing to make his birth certificate, school and college records open to the public?" "If Obama has nothing to hide, then why is he spending millions of dollars for a team of lawyers across the country to make sure his birth certificate and academic records never see the light of day?"
STOP treating us like fools on this issue. Some 400,000 people who signed the petition demanding that the courts hear these cases and to have Obama produce his birth certificate and other records, cannot all be wrong or crazy.
The Fox News Networks' refusal to do a proper investigation of this issue can only lead one to believe that you are either just as much "in bed" with Obama and his administration as are CBS, NBC, ABC, CBN, and the rest, or you are under threat by this administration to keep your mouths shut. So, which is it?
I will be posting a copy of this letter to my blog site, which gets a great number of viewers, and you can bet that if you don't start acting like the "fair and balanced" network you claim to be, your ratings just might start to take a nose dive, and you will only have yourselves to blame.
Remember, we are American citizens who are deeply concerned about our country. we are NOT "birthers", "tea baggers" or any other derogatory name those in the media like to call us. We are PATRIOTS who love our country, and who demand that our elected officials uphold their oaths of office and the Constitution of the United States, and we are getting fed up with the lies, deceits and cover-ups. America is fast becoming a powder keg on the verge of exploding, and Fox News is becoming part of the problem rather then the solution. Think about it.
Most Rev. Archbishop +Gregori
Webster, New York
I urge each of my visitors to compose and send similar letters to Fox News, so that they get the point.
Check out this Video:
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