Thursday, May 7, 2009


Believe it or not, but "muff-diving" and "fudge-packing" same-sex couples are now claiming that they have the "RIGHT" not to be 'offended by straight' morality and they have presented the issue to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Their asinine case involves a series of projects by the San Diego Boy Scouts of America. The Boy Scouts, a private organization has provided millions of dollars in improvements to public facilities in exchange for their use but now faces being banned from those very facilities because fags and dykes who never even were exposed to the work claim that their delicate feelings were hurt, (boo friggen hoo).

The radical queers are attempting to use every means possible to destroy the Boy Scouts despite a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision that recognized their First Amendment right to have a morally-based policy excluding homosexual involvement in their organization.

At issue in the case are leases from the city of San Diego allowing the San Diego Boy Scouts to build and operate campgrounds and an aquatic center on city property for the public's use and their own.

Lesbian and agnostic couples who had never visited the facilities sued the Scouts on a claim that they felt OFFENDED by the fact that the city leases the public property to a "morally straight" organization such as the Boy Scouts.

Originally, a three-judge panel at the 9th Circuit dismissed the complaint filed by the team of agnostics and lesbians, determining the individuals lacked standing to sue because "offended observers" have sustained no injury. But the decision was reversed by the full 9th Circuit panel.

So, it appears that litigants in the 9th Circuit can now challenge programs like San Diego's with nothing more then general offense at a tenet of an organization's mission. In other words, as long as a person feels unwelcome by the private groups beliefs - without any exposure to religious symbols or denial of any services - he can sue to have the program declared unconstitutional.

The Boy Scouts of America have spent millions of dollars to improve portions of two public parks that it leased from the city at a nominal fee. The Scouts allowed the public to have full access to the parks, yet two couples filed suit simply because they didn't like the beliefs of the Scouts organization. These types of ridiculous 'OFFENDER OBSERVER' types of lawsuits should not be tolerated, EVER!

I guess the message to America from the degenerate perverts is: "Join us in our perversions or we will destroy you."

Click On The Following Link, Read The Article and Get Sick To Your Stomach!



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