This morning, wrapping himself in the mantel of the defender of constitutional rights and freedoms, Obama once again made one of his many daily television appearances, this time standing in front of our nation's Founding Documents to flap his lips about why he insists upon closing the Gitmo terrorist detention camp.
I found it absolutely amazing how Obama could lie with such ease time and again, without even batting an eye. After having witnessed eight years of lies, exaggerations and distortion of the truth that came out of the Clinton administration, I have come to the conclusion that being a consummate liar is a prerequisite for those who wish to become leaders of the Democrat party.
As he stood there in front of the United States Constitution, Obama said how he took seriously his oath of office to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and how it is his constitutional duty to protect our rights and freedoms and to defend our borders to keep the people safe, I could not help but think, "How come, if he holds the Constitution in such high esteem, then why does he continue to dismantle it piece-meal almost on a daily basis?" Of all of the presidents this nation has had since its founding, Barack Hussein Obama has been the most prolific when it comes to violating the Supreme Law of the Land, and in usurping powers that he does not have under the enumeration of powers.
Obama and his administration are working overtime through 'back door' means to severely limit our First Amendment rights by attempting to push through the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" and the enacting of the expanded "Hate Crimes" legislation. And they are working toward the total elimination of the Second Amendment by proposing and attempting to push through ever more stringent unconstitutional gun control laws.
He continues in his refusal to secure our borders, while at the same time, he is pushing for total amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants while allowing millions more to enter illegally. He has made drastic cuts in defense spending while assuring us that the first thing on his mind when he gets up in the morning, and the last thing on his mind when he goes to bed at night, is what he can do to keep the American people safe. He sure has a strange way of showing it. He has signed into law the "Give Act", which will eventually "Force" all American citizens into national "volunteer" service, while at the same time completely suspending their First and Second Amendment Rights during their terms of service.
Obama's administration is rapidly forcing total government control over our banks, insurance companies, auto manufactures, and our health care industries, and eventually take full federal control over all student loans. All of these are a complete and total violation of the Constitution.
Barack Obama lied through his teeth throughout the campaign and the lies and deceits have continued and grown since his election. He continues with the LIE that he inherited this bad economy from President G.W. Bush. The TRUTH is, he played a huge part in the creation of the financial crisis we face today. Obama lied when he said, "Too often bills are rushed through Congress and to the president before the public has the opportunity to to review them. as president, I will not sign any non-emergency bill without giving the American public the opportunity to review and comment on them on the White House website for five days." The TRUTH is that the first bill he signed into law was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, two days after it was passed. He also claimed that the huge so-called stimulus spending bill, loaded with "pork" was needed immediately, and ordered Congress to pass it, which they did, without even reading it and knowing what was in it. Obama lied again when he said, "We need 'earmark reform', and when I am president, I will go line by line to make sure we're not spending money unwisely." The TRUTH, how does that explain him signing the $410 billion, pork laden, Omnibus bill that contained approximately 9,000 earmarks?
He promised that he would not hire lobbyists to work in his White House, even signing an executive order to that effect, then turned around and named health care lobbyist Tom Daschle to be Secretary of Health and William Lynn, a defense lobbyist, as Deputy Secretary of Defense. After it was discoverd that he was a tax cheat, Daschle dropped out. Obama claimed that any hiring or other employment decisions he makes will be based on the candidate's qualifications, competence, and experience. yet, upon closer inspection, we find that his picks have been purely political. Most had absolutely no experience for the job they were given, such as Leon Panetta to head the CIA, and Timothy Geithner, a tax cheat extrodinaire, to head the IRS as the Secretary of Treasury.
How about Obama's claim that, "Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency." Yet he absolutely refuses to turn over his own records concerning his place of birth. Obama also stated, "The cost of health care now causes a bankruptcy in America every thirty seconds." That has been proven to be an out-and-out LIE. At the rate that Obama claims, it would mean that way over a million bankruptcies a year occur due to health care costs, which just is not happening. Obama claims that his figures came from a 2001 Harvard study, another LIE, because the facts showed that in 2001 there were only 1.4 million total bankruptcies in the U.S. with less then 248,000 of those were due to health care expenses.
Obama insists that he was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961, but recent lawsuits have been filed that challenge this assertion. He has absolutely refused to produce a vault (long form) copy of his birth certificate. He has only posted a redacted (which makes it invalid) document of a 'certificate of live birth' stating that his birth place was Hawaii, but a certificate of live birth IS NOT the same as a birth certificate. The State of Hawaii, allows parents to file a certificate of live birth for children born outside of Hawaii. There is a growing moutain of evidence, which includes witnesses and family members in Kenya that swear that Obama was born in Kenya.
Obama's academic record is also clouded as he refuses to release it. Apparently, his grades and actual writings are highly suspect, since he refuses to release them. It is believed they are not of a very high academic caliber. It is believed that they contain plagerisms, racism and socialist crap.
For no apparent reason, today Obama is a millionaire. He has NEVER held a true job other then the normal part-time jobs students have (kind of reminds one of Bill Clinton). He was involved in what politicians (especially those from Chicago) do best: begging for money for "worthy causes" and then skimming off the top or out-and-out shake downs in the fashion of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Obama's wife, Michelle, managed to secure a $300,000-plus per year job at the University of Chicago Medical Center because of Obama's political connections. Her main job was "patient dumping", in other words, if you were on Medicaid, Medicare or some other "lesser means of health care insurance", it was her job to convince you that it was in your best interest to seek medical attention elsewhere instead of at the University of Chicago Medical Center. Even if it were a dire emergency Michelle and her underlings made damn sure that you went someehere else, that is unless you had the "cash" to pay upfront.
Today, barrack Hussein Obama is currently involved in destroying our American way of life and our economy. He totally disrespects our long time allies while sucking up to our enemies and he will not tolerate any crticism about him or his policies. Even some of his most ernest supporters are now shocked at the "Change" he is forcing upon the United States, because it is far from the "change" they had "hoped" for. He has foisted upon us liberal Washington insiders whom he has put into positions of power with little to no experience, like himself, other than the Socialist/Marxist crap they have been indoctrinated in by radical leftist academics, whom they studied under in colleges and universities. They are oblivious of the fact that Socialism and Communism have been dismal failures everywhere in the world they have been attempted. But Obama and his ilk will never let the TRUTH get in the way of their LIES.
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