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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Huge Red Glowing Crescent Over Leesville Louisiana

Date: March 10, 2011
Time: Between 11:40 p.m. - 11:50 p.m.

I believe I saw this very same object tonight March 10, 2011, between 11:40-11:50 pm off Hwy 8 coming out of Leesville, LA. (USA ) It was near the airport, but beyond it in the distance, to the east/north east. At first I thought it was the moon, but it was way to large to be the moon. The shape was crescent, it was cupped at the bottom and it was a little irregular shaped, like flaming or glowing.

Maybe not perfectly rounded on the bottom half, it kind of made a little point. I only saw this object for a few seconds, but I am positive I saw it! I tried to get a better look at it, but never saw it again. A mile or two down the road, I decided to turn around and go back to see if I could get a better view. I drove back and it was gone. There was no moon, no object anywhere.

I know I saw something big, it left me with a really strange feeling. Hopefully I wasn't the only one to see it. I wanted to call the airport and ask about it, but I just think they would think me a whack-o.

This large reddish glowing horizontal crescent 'thing' was absolutely huge. I wish I had stopped when I first saw it.

When I got home I had to check on the phase of the moon, it was not the moon according to the chart, and the crescent was not vertical as the chart posted. I do not know what I saw, but I did see something strange tonight.

When I read your post I just know we must have seen the same thing. I am totally serious about seeing this, but I do not want my name plastered around because people would think me a nut. I just thought it was important enough to let some one know I saw it!
Very sincerely,

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:

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