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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Green UFO 300 Foot In Diameter Over Throgs Neck Bridge New York City

Date: 1960’s
Time: Dawn.

Location of Sighting: Throgs Neck Bridge New York City.
Number of witnesses: 6
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Round.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: We were traveling in the family station wagon going to Pennsylvania from Long Island. It was probably around sunrise in the summer time in the late 60's. I was about 9 years old and was with my parents, sister and 2 other brothers. As we were driving across the Throgs Neck bridge I observed an enormous light green glowing orb. It appeared to be perfectly round with no other identifiable features and was not moving.

I was amazed to see it, but was not scared. My older sister was screaming as this orb was so big and was right next to the bridge and was big enough that if it hit the bridge, it could have taken the bridge down. The sighting only lasted 5 seconds or so and the orb just disappeared. My parents remember the incident, but did not observe this orb. The only explanation is that in the old station wagons had the rear seats facing to the back and I believe my sister and I were sitting facing the back of the car.

I would say this orb was within 100 feet off the bridge and at least a 300 feet diameter. I recall thinking I hope my father drives faster before this thing takes down the bridge. We continued our trip and never talked about what we saw. Probably about 15 years ago for whatever reason at a family function, someone brought up the incident over the Throgs Neck bridge and everyone remembered it clearly as if it had happened yesterday.

Why we never discussed this in probably a 20 year span I do not know, but we all remember the incident the same and the size of this orb may be well under estimated. There was not much traffic, but there were numerous other cars that were also on the bridge that had to observe this orb. It was not swamp gas, the sun, moon or lights from an airplane. The most amazing thing I have ever seen and if I had seen this same object today I would have reported this to some type of agency.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:

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