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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Red Light UFOs Observed Over Sweetwater Wyoming

Date: Summer of 1998
Time: 9:00 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Sweetwater Wyoming.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Red Ball.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: First Event: I was sitting up in the mountains about 5 miles or so of South Pass City Wyoming on the Sweetwater river. There is a deep canyon that runs east and west at that location where the Sweetwater flows as it works it's way in a northerly direction from my location.

I had been watching a lot of single light movement over me at what altitude I don't know when suddenly I looked to the east down river and this single bright red globe appeared, something like a large tail light, coming right at me up the canyon, not straight, but going up and down the canyon walls in no particular flight path, but continually coming at me.

It was less than the length of a football field away when it seemed like it noticed my presence, it stopped in mid flight and immediately turned and highballed it back down the canyon at a high rate of speed. At the time I was by my motorhome, so it probably saw the motorhome and not actually saw me.

One thing about being in the mountains at a high altitude, about 7500 feet at that point, there are a lot of single lights visible, no noise, no strobes, no marker lights. I really enjoyed the light display because there is no light pollution to spoil the view.

Second Event: I was able to get some pictures of this from my bedroom window here at home, blurry though. They have started what is called boom town here. In September of 2009 at about 9:00pm again there is a large display of fire works at night and during the day they try to out do each other in noise. I mean rattle your house and break window types of explosion.

I have complained as many others have, but money and the town's powers refuse to listen and so the beat goes on.

I was up in my west bedroom window looking out towards the fair grounds, which is about a half mile away, but I sit high up on a hill and except for some trees I can almost look down into the fair ground area. A red light caught my attention just west of me and at an altitude I'm not sure of, but I say not much over a thousand feet.

The one thing I noticed was the speed, to slow for a fixed wing aircraft and so I thought maybe a chopper, there is a hospital close and there Mercy Flights come in to go to the hospital just due north of me. I opened the window to listen for noise or to see if there was any strobe or ID lights, none.

The light was coming towards my position and in a circular pattern. I ran down and got my camera and managed to get a few quick pictures as it headed in a northeast pattern and just seemed to disappear. At that time I thought it was gone, but within an hour, I was keeping my eye open for a possible second viewing and it appeared again, like out of nowhere from the west again at about the same position and seemed like it was watching the fireworks, or was drawn by the large explosions.

It is hard to say, but I did get a couple more pictures even though they where blurry, it looks like more than one red light on one object or more than one object, but it almost seemed to be circling the fair grounds, because it did the same flight path, and disappeared to the northeast at the same slow speed that only a chopper could fly at and stay airborne.

Brian Vike Note: I have requested the photos so I can add to this report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:

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