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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Conservatives need to showcase California as an example of failed liberal governence and agenda.

California has every advantage a state could want.  It has coastal access, agriculture, technology, energy, and is home to many industries.  What could possibly mess that up?  Liberal control of the state is what can mess that up.  It is blatentley obvious that Pelosi, Boxer, and the gaggle of progressive liberal democrats don't care in the least that the state is billions of dollars in debit.  To the contrary based on historical evidence they will continue to rack up debit quite recklessly.

It's only a matter of time before the progressive liberal democrats in California will be forced to apply for a federal bailout of the state.  This is where conservatives need to capitalize and showcase California as an example of their failure.  I don't suggest waiting until they appeal to the federal government for help to make an example of them.  It should start today.  I was so happy boxer, pelosi, and brown won.  Now in 2012 the nation can look to California as an example of a state under liberal leadership.

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