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Sunday, August 22, 2010


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We are truly facing horrendous times, and worse is yet to come. Yet even as the troubles continue to mount, the majority refuse to see the truth. The churches continue to preach false gospels and a false Christ, refusing to admit the error of their ways. Our elected leaders continue their treason against the American citizens, the Constitution of the United States, and the Country itself. They continue to raid our treasury while diminishing our rights and freedoms, and we the people allow it to continue unabated because we lack the courage to stand up and fight to save our great nation and many have become to dependent on the federal government for their daily bread, due to having been dumbed down by our public schools and the mass media.

Others bury their heads in the sand with the false hope that it won't affect them when the dung hits the fan. We are lied to on a daily basis by ALL news media when they tell us that Obama is a committed Christian and not a Muslim, and the sheeple are too blind and/or stupid to see the truth. Perhaps Obama is not a Muslim, but damn sure as hell is NOT a Christian.

The FOX NEWS Channel cited a poll last week by the PEW group, asking how many believed that Barack Obama was a Muslim, and they were surprised when the majority of people said that they believed Obama was a Muslim. Then they went on to say that he WAS a Christian. They said that not only was he a Christian, but a "COMMITTED" Christian at that, and that he attends private weekly services at Camp David every Sunday, but does not allow cameras.

Now we even have the Evangelicals claiming that Obama is a Christian. According to Pastor Joel Hunter of Northland, A Church Distributed, in Longwood, Fla., "Those of us who've spent time with him and have had a part of forming his spiritual life can testify with certainty of his commitment to Christ," OH PLEASE!

Hunter, who served on Obama's 25-member faith advisory council this past year and who describes himself as a conservative evangelical, said, "There are a lot of Americans who are misinformed and 'just buy into the strongest voice.'"

Evangelist Franklin Graham believes Obama's background has raised doubts among Americans. "I think the president's problem is that he was born a Muslim, his father was a Muslim," Graham told CNN. But Graham said "it's obvious that the president has renounced Islam and accepted Jesus Christ." Oh really, and where is the proof.

"That is what he says he has done, I cannot say that he hasn't. So I just have to believe that the president is what he has said." Graham stated. Why, just because he is the president? He has lied about so much else.

Come on, he canceled the National Day of Pray and now holds White House dinners to mark the start of Ramadan. He has poked his finger in the eye of Israel on more then one occasion and just recently came out in support of the proposed mosque at Ground Zero.

I don't care if this offends people or not, but any one who supports abortion in any way at all, or who supports homosexuality in any way, anyone who turns a blind eye to adultery, fornication, stealing, or any other multitude of sins, is NOT a Christian. Jesus taught that we are to love the sinner and hate the sin, but far too many "Christians" not only love the sinners, but they have embraced their sins as well. Then there are others like Obama who believe in "social justice" and "collective redemption", neither of which are taught in Holy Scripture. They come right out of Marxist Theology and are NOT Christian.

Our courts have made a mockery of JUSTICE. As far as the majority of judges are concerned, TRUTH and JUSTICE, GUILT and INNOCENCE take a back seat to the legal games and one-upmanship played by lawyers in our courts.

Our children and grandchildren cannot read, spell or carry on a decent conversation, and they little or nothing about the true history of America or even of the Constitution, but thanks to the corrupt and immoral liberals that have taken over our schools, they all know to have sex, how to "fist" each other and perform all sorts of homosexual sex acts on each other, and they are learning this crap at younger and younger ages. Once again, we the people, the parents and grandparents are allowing it to happen. We have allowed ourselves to be cowed by political correctness, tolerance and all inclusiveness, because of the false teachings of far too many pastors, priests and ministers, telling their congregations that it is all in God's hands so there is nothing we need to do. Well I have news for you, if you do not stand against sin, then you are an enabler and your silence and lack of action marks you as one of the sinners.

Unless there is TRUE REPENTANCE, a true humbling of the spirit and a true contrite heart, God will continue to with hold His blessings from us and our land, and He will allow us to continue down the road of destruction, not because He wants to, but because it will be our choice through our own free will. Know this, not only does God punish individual sins, but He also punishes entire nations for their national sins.

"If My people which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." II Chron. 7:14

Is Obama a Christian as he claims? Watch the following and decide for yourselves:

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