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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Double Post Friday!

We've been traveling around all over the country these past few days, but that doesn't mean that we aren't doing some work. Yesterday was a double post Friday! The verdict came down on the Popcorn jerk trial, and he was found guilty on two accounts. One account may be re-tried. We'll see. Madame posted a very gracious note regarding the verdict. This also included a comparison to the Watergate scandal in how politicians (or college students) can't do illegal things to try to alter an election! Nixon was a Republican; she's not going to refrain from calling out corrupt actions on party lines! She's an equal opportunity corruption fighter!

We also posted a note about the oil spill in the Gulf. With the Exxon-Valdez spill in Alaska twenty years ago, Madame knows what it's like to deal with such tragedy. However, she doesn't see it as a reason to abandon drilling and to continue to seek energy independence. She even spoke of her record quite a bit. I wonder if that means something...:)

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