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Friday, March 5, 2010



This is a different type of Lenten message, as I am not going to ask you to give up anything, rather I am going to ask you to do something. I am going to ask you to do some real self inspection and then stand up and get involved in removing evil of all kinds from our public education system. It is time that each of us do more then “lip service”. It is time to “take the bull by the horns” and get actively involved. If we don’t start protecting our children now, WHEN? If not us, WHO?

In a posting I did on my blog, "LET THE TRUTH BE KNOWN", I expressed how our education system is careening out of control. Now many of you may be wondering what that has to do with the Lenten Season. Well, our religious rights and our moral beliefs DO NOT and SHOULD NOT end when we exit our houses of worship, nor should they end at the entrance to our schools or places of occupation, but especially our schools.

There is an evil that has permeated every aspect and institution, public and private, in America, which includes our elementary schools, institutions of higher education and sad to say, even our Churches. Since Lent is a time for self-reflection and not just about giving something up, we NEED to spend some serious time reflecting on how each of us closed our eyes and allowed this evil to gain almost total control over our everyday lives to the point that the very physical, mental, and spiritual lives of our children and grandchildren have now been placed in jeopardy.

The "EVIL" I am speaking of is HOMOSEXUALITY! This evil has led members of the clergy, including the hierarchy of every Christian Church, and this includes both the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches, to take part in hedonistic and open defiance of God. EVERY church who ordains, or allows to be be ordained, homosexuals are guilty of APOSTASY, as they are in direct opposition to God's word.

The English word "Apostasy" comes from the Greek Αποστασία (Apostosia) which means "a falling away" or "a defection from the truth."

When God condemned homosexuality (and not just sodomy as some would have you believe) as an abomination in His sight, He was saying, in no uncertain terms, that homosexual acts are a GRAVE sin.

So many Catholics closed their eyes following Vatican II as the Church, first Rome and then the various Protestant denominations, began to be taken over first by Leftist Liberals, who preached what they called, "Marxist Theology", then by homosexual pedophile priests. This has also led to many women, mostly lesbians, demanding to be ordained to the priesthood. The Anglican Church has already succumbed to the pressure and have not only ordained women priests, but also consecrated several as bishops. They have even consecrated openly homosexual men, living in homosexual life-styles, as bishops.

Many so-called Christian ministers and priests are even going so far as to "marry" homosexual couples in direct defiance of God's design and holy Word. Thus is the sorry state of Christianity today, and as I stated, many remained silent, for whatever reason, allowing this filthy perversion, this evil to enter the very houses of God. Then we allowed it to enter into our public school system.

A sin is a sin and homosexual acts are not only a sin, but also perverted acts against nature, and it is something our children should be warned against, not fed lies and false information suggesting it is an alternative lifestyle, somehow compatible with Christianity.. Sodomy is and always will be a perversion.

Back in the late 1960's into the 1970's, the United States witnessed the rampant spread of HIV/AIDS. It first made its appearance in homosexual communities, spreading through perverted sexual acts in homosexual bath houses, spreading like wild fire from one coast to the other. It was later found that it started with a male homosexual flight attendant from France, who visited "gay bath houses" while here in the U.S.

It wasn't long before this disease began to spread to the general population through the use of shared hypodermic needles used in "shooting up" illicit drugs, indiscriminate sex, and blood transfusions.

For a number of years HIV/AIDS was commonly known as the "gay disease", and the newspapers were filled with notices of various gay actors dying from the disease. But what I found to be surprising was the fact that by the time of the late 1970's, early 1980's, instead of the MSM condemning homosexual acts and demanding the closing of homosexual bath houses, they began a slow brainwashing of the public into not only feeling sorry for homosexuals, but also into accepting their perverted behavior and life-style, all the while people were dying by the hundreds from HIV/AIDS, not only here, but around the world.

The Policy Director for Cultural issues with Concerned Women for America, Matt Barber, stated; "The medical community has known for years that homosexual conduct, especially among males, creates a breeding ground for often deadly disease." In recent years we have seen a profound resurgence in cases of HIV/AIDS, syphilis, rectal gonorrhea and many other STD'S among those who call themselves 'gay.'

Years ago, when I would tell people that HIV/AIDS was a punishment from God for the sin committed by homosexuals, I was told to "shut up", because a loving God would never punish people with such a disease. Yet, does not Holy Scripture tell us that, "The wages of sin is death"? How long does one think they can mistreat and pervert the natural functions of the body before nature fights back? When two men imitate heterosexual intercourse with each other, they set themselves up to create an environment ripe for disease to take hold and thrive. Bear in mind that unnatural acts bring about natural consequences.

Over the years, we as a nation have allowed ourselves to be lulled into accepting a "live and let live" attitude toward all sorts of deviant sexual activity so that today, many of our television shows glorify and promote the homosexual lifestyle while our children are taught in schools that homosexuality is a perfectly healthy, alternative sexual 'orientation,' and we as parents and grandparents close our eyes and say nothing. We continue to allow our children and grandchildren to be spiritually and morally sacrificed on the altars of Moloch which our public education system has become.

Angry militant homosexuals tell us to "Stay the hell out of our bedrooms." Well, I have news for the homosexual community, OUR SCHOOLS ARE NOT YOUR BEDROOMS, LEAVE OUR CHILDREN ALONE!

Why do we allow Kevin Jennings, the admitted homosexual pedophile appointed by Barack Obama to be his "Safe Schools" Czar, to remain in that position? Even though it has been widely reported that he has a homosexual agenda that he wants to push into our public schools, the majority shut their minds and allow him to remain. We should be marching on Washington, D.C. with tar and feathers demanding that Jennings be ousted. Citizens, especially parents and grandparents should be shouting from the roof tops, "NO MORE!"

We should STOP sitting idly by while politically correct cultural elite morons endanger, corrupt and molest our children and the larger community through propagandist promotion of this perverted and unnatural deadly lifestyle.

The wide spread acceptance of the sin of homosexuality is a sure sign that the moral decline of America and the world has gotten very bad. We refuse to accept the fact that it is Satan himself who has unleashed this perversion upon the world and this is part of Satan's plan to pervert God's creation and His Holy Word, and we sit back and allow it to continue.

Anybody who accepts this perversion in their schools, in their churches, in their communities, and in their families are basically standing with Satan and turning their backs on Jesus, on God the Father and moral decency. Homosexuality is an aberrant lifestyle! God does not create a person with homosexual desires, however a person may be born with a greater susceptibility toward homosexuality, just as people are born with a tendency to violence and other sins, but that does not excuse the person choosing to sin by giving into their sinful desires. And, when the rest of us remain silent or do nothing, or accept this perversion, then we are just as guilty.

Due to our "so what attitude" toward deviancy of all sorts, it has only taken us fifty years to sink back to the unholy godless days of murdering babies and performing deviant sexual acts reminiscent of the days prior to and during the time of Noah.

We attempt to soothe our consciences by railing against paroled pedophiles who move into our neighborhoods, while at the same time we have no qualms about sending our children to the biggest taxpayer funded dens of iniquity, our public schools where their minds, souls, and in some cases, their bodies are molested on a daily basis, thanks to the homosexual agenda that is being pushed by various homosexual groups, with the blessings of our government and financed with our tax money. In other words, we are paying to have our children and grandchildren morally and spiritually corrupted.

The only reason that the homosexual movement is winning is because real Christians, Jews and others who oppose homosexuality have remained silent out of fear, and the homosexuals are using our legal system to maintain our silence. Know this; the militant homosexual goal is to bring about complete acceptance of homosexuality, including same-sex marriage and Adult-Child sex. They are doing this now by making great strides in prohibiting and even criminalizing public criticism of homosexuality.

It is up to each of us to overcome our fears and stand up, not only to the homosexuals, but also to our godless and corrupt government and put a stop to this and all of the liberal insidious evil.

During this Season of Lent, look deep within and ask yourselves whose side are you on, do you stand with God or do you stand with Satan? Ask yourselves, "Do I want to protect my children from the filth and immoral degenerate garbage being forced on them in our public schools? Do I want to continue paying to have my sons/daughters corrupted and spiritually raped?" You cannot remain lukewarm. Either you rise up, stand together and stop this filth or continue to bury your heads in the sand and face the wrath of God for your failure to take a stand.

As for those of you who embrace the homosexual lifestyle, STOP kidding yourselves by claiming that since you are in a committed relationship with your same-sex partner that makes it all right because Jesus loves you. It ISN'T ALL RIGHT! No matter how much you are committed to your same sex partner, you are STILL sinning. Your commitment to your same sex partner cannot change nor excuse that fact. The ONLY thing you are showing the Lord and God the Father is that you are a committed sinner.

We are all sinners and fall short of the Glory of God! All the Lord requires of us is that we try our BEST not to sin anymore. He is a loving Lord who loves homosexuals also. He will forgive all our sins, if we work with Him and repent! Repentance means to turn away from your sins and accepting Jesus' gift of salvation. You cannot be repentant and still remain in your sinful lifestyle.

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