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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Tea Party, "Hand-Gate", and Texas!

Whew! It has been quite the weekend. I'm so tired! As I'm sure you all heard, Madame gave a heck of a speech down in Nashville at the Tea Party Convention! Madame called out the Great Opologizer on many fronts, even "calling him a charismatic guy with a teleprompter". Poor TOTUS. All he is trying to do is his job. Madame spent considerable time speaking on national security issues, the need to return to free market principles, and the power of the tea party movement. Madame even took some time to answer some questions. The moderator referenced the idea of President Palin, in which the crowd went nuts as did twitter. "President Palin" was a trending topic for a while. My heart was beaming, if I had a heart. What emerged from this though? "Hand-gate"! Oh the horrors! Madame writes a few notes on the palm of her hand (the words "energy" "cut taxes" and "lift American spirits"), and it gives the Left a collectiv(ist) heart attack. Oh no! She's such a cheater! Never mind that their hero, the Great Opologizer, uses a teleprompter to speak to 6th graders! Are you kidding me?

Madame of course took this all in stride, and even poked fun at the situation by writing "hi mom" on her hand today at the Rick Perry rally in Texas! Oh Madame, you slay me!

Madame did some campaigning for Texas Governor, Rick Perry, and she also became a honorary Texan today! It's been an exhilarating weekend! I can't wait to see what the next week holds!

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