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Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Okay folks, you better start wondering out loud as to what exactly is in the House and Senate versions of the Obamacare Health Care Bill, that Reid, Pelosi and Obama DO NOT want us, We the People, to know. There must be something, or perhaps many things that they want to keep hidden from the public, why else are Reid and Pelosi insisting on finalizing the bill behind closed doors, even though during the campaign, Obama promised the American people that the whole health care bill will negotiated in the open on C-Span, or was that just one more of Obama's multitude of lies?
There are some Constitutional challenges being prepared, but they focus on the individual mandate portion of the health care bill, but I would like to see some Constitutional challenges brought on the fact that the entire health care bill is unconstitutional in total since there is no constitutional provision that gives the federal government the power or the right to be involved in our health care system. They are usurping powers that do not belong to them.
It is extremely IMPORTANT that we get a signed promise from any and all candidates, running for the House or the Senate in November, that they will over turn and rescind whatever health care bill is passed in the Congress and signed into law by Obama. We cannot allow this monstrosity of a bill to remain in force, not one single part of it. I have stated many times in the past that there are a lot of other ways to reform our health care system without the government interfering, taking it over and using intimidation, extortion and threats to force people to purchase what they don't want.
How many of you watch the Glenn Beck Show? I don't always agree with everything Glenn says, but he is well worth listening to, because he has been spelling out exactly what Obama and leftist bastards, who have taken over our government, are doing to America. There is no way of getting around it, we are being played big time.
Everything this administration is doing is designed to collapse our capitalist system, by overwhelming it with one crisis after another to bring about a complete destruction of our financial system by expanding the number of people receiving government assistance of one sort or another, be it welfare, Medicaid, Medicare, or other government subsidies including government sponsored tuition, school vouchers, federal "earmarks" for local programs, farm subsidies, etc.
This is what is behind the take-over of our health care system. It has NOTHING to do with extending health care to ALL Americans, but it does have everything to do with bringing all Americans under the government system to, again, overwhelm the system to bring about its collapse, for the purpose of remaking America, turning our nation into what, in their twisted and demented minds, will be a socialist/communist utopia. As one prominent psychiatrist, Dr. Lyle H. Rossiter, wrote in his book, 'The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness', "Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded." Rossiter went on to say; "Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave." Rossiter says the kind of liberalism being displayed by Barack Obama and his liberal cronies in his administration and in Congress can only be understood as a psychological disorder. In other words, the inmates are truly running the asylum.
Let me ask you, what normal person in their right mind would staff their entire administration, cabinet members and advisors with tax cheats, thieves, liars, homos, lesbians, pedophiles, ex-cons, radical communists and other deranged individuals? Kind of sounds like the type of people Hitler chose to fill all of his cabinet posts. What normal patriotic person would place people in charge of various important Departments who lack even a modicum of experience to head those departments, especially the Department of Homeland Security? Can anyone actually think that Janet (Fish breath) Napolitano is qualified to head the Department of Homeland Security?
The only conclusion I can come to is that Obama and his liberal minions WANT various incidents of attempted terror attacks or even "small" attacks to occur, to get We the People into a crises mode ---- "Never let a good crisis go to waste," remember Hillary Clinton and Rham Emanuel saying that? With each new attempted act of terrorism, the federal government tightens its grip on We the People and nibbles away at more of our rights and freedoms.
Do you know what makes people like this dangerous? It is the fact that if they see that their aims are being blocked, they do not hesitate to resort to violence to get what they want. If they feel that all of their gains are in jeopardy, they will cause some sort of violent incident to take place as an excuse to declare martial law to keep themselves in power indefinitely. The big question then, is; "How far are you willing to go to save what is left of the United States and our freedoms before they are completely gone?"
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