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Sunday, December 6, 2009



The following is an email letter I wrote to Mr. Frank K. Ani Jr., Co-founder, Senior Advisor of the American Patriot Commission. Mr. Ani was kind enough to sent it out as a PDF press release to all members of the Commission. Following this letter is a video that I urge all to watch and listen to. Your life, your freedoms and the future of America may depend on it.

Dear Frank;

We all know what it would mean to our freedoms, to our Constitution and to the future of America if Obama signs the Copenhagen Agreement and if he signs Cap and Trade and the government health care into law. We all are also aware that when he signs the Copenhagen Agreement (and he plans on doing it in such a way that he by-pass the need for Congress to ratify it) it will become binding. Also, once Cap and Trade and the government run health care are signed into law, it will take years to undo them if ever. So, with all of this in mind, why in God's name are we allowing it to continue and go on?

Every body I know, just shrugs their shoulders and says; "We can vote Obama out in 2012," and people like Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck tell us that we have to fight this in a peaceful, non-violent way. Well, I have a news flash for America, WE DO NOT HAVE THE OPTION OF TIME! We cannot afford to wait until 2012 because in the meantime we will have lost a hell of a lot of our freedoms that we might NEVER get back, and what guarantee would we have that Obama will be voted out or that there will even be an election in 2012? There is always the distinct possibility that the political thugs in Washington, will cause an incident so that Obama can declare martial law and thereby suspend the election and the Constitution. The underhanded dirty tricks employed by Obama's pet organization, A.C.O.R.N, in last years election will be nothing compared to what his Chicago political thugs and Soros have planned for 2012. I have read a couple of articles where George Soros is planning on bankrolling a nation wide effort to see that only radical leftists get elected or appointed to the Position of Secretary of State in the majority of states, for the purpose of literally stealing the election in 2012, because it is each state's Secretary of State who validates the election results for their state. It was Josef Stalin who once said, "It doesn't matter how many people cast votes, what matters is who counts those votes."

Also, it should be very obvious by now that we have just about completely RUN OUT of legal and peaceful means to STOP Obama, his corrupt administration, and his corrupt supporters in Congress. Obama and all those in Washington have shown us time and again that they do not care what WE THE PEOPLE want, they refuse to listen. All of our petitions, rallies, demonstrations, phone calls, faxes, emails, and attending Town Hall meetings, do not mean a thing. Oh, some of them lead us to believe that they are listening to us and agree with us, then they turn around late at night in Congress and vote in the very things we fought against. The courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court refuses to hear our cases or they support the unconstitutional acts and laws enacted by Congress and signed into law by the president, or they tell those of us who bring the cases, that "We do NOT have standing to bring the case before the courts." My God, if American citizens do not have standing to bring cases concerning the violation of the Constitution, then just who the hell does?

All of this should tell the American people something. If we cannot win at the voting booth, if we cannot win through peaceful demonstrations, signing petitions, contacting our elected representatives, and if we cannot win through the courts, then that leaves only one option. As the head of the SEIU stated during an interview, "We will get what we want through the power of persuasion and if that fails, then we will get it through the persuasion of power." We all know what he meant by that, and we do have documented cases of SEIU members assaulting and beating up Conservatives who disagree with them. So when are those on the right going to wake up realize that we MUST take a page from the left's playbook and use it against them?

As I have stated, we no longer have the luxury of time and no longer have any peaceful or legal options left to save our country and our freedoms. I suggest that Patriotic Americans grow a set and as soon as Obama leaves the country for Denmark, then we should march en mass on Washington, D.C., armed with whatever we can get our hands on, and surround the White House (the people's House) and the Capitol Building to prevent Obama and the members of Congress from entering, and to demand an immediate END to this administration and for the immediate installation of an interim government until the next election can be held. We must also DEMAND an immediate investigation, by an independent non-partisan group, into acts of malfeasance, dereliction of duty and crimes against the Constitution and the people of the United States by Obama, members of his administration, members of Congress and the courts. We must also Demand that the guilty, no matter who they are, are punished to the fullest extent of the law. If it means using violent means to achieve this, then so be it, because peaceful means have failed and will continue to fail. If America and our freedoms are worth saving, then they are worth saving by what ever means necessary. The sooner American citizens realize this, the better.

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