I sincerely hope you are getting the picture as to the extreme danger that each of us, and the entire country, are facing under the Obama administration and this present Congress. I am going to continue beating this drum until people get sick and tired of hearing it and decide to stand up and do something. The only problem is, that the longer you procrastinate, the more violent the action to get rid of these enemies of the Constitution and the American way of life, is going to be, and that is just plain fact.
Many people are just beginning to wake up to the fact that the "Hope and Change" that Obama promised is NOT what they expected. There are many who were under the delusion that by electing a black man (actually a half black man) to the presidency of the United States, would somehow put to rest some of the not so pretty aspects of our country's past, but I am afraid that people heard Obama on the campaign trail, but they weren't listening to what he was saying, or they just brushed it off. Remember that on more then one occasion during the long campaign, either Obama himself or members of his campaign team let it be known that those white Americans won't vote for Obama were bigots and racists, and don't forget there are those who reap great benefits, both politically and financially, by crying racism at the drop of the hat, and it is no secret that Obama has associated himself with just such people for years.
However, he found it to be to his advantage in appealing to larger number of voters by putting himself forward as a "post racial" candidate and spouting many other platitudes that are popular with We the People. We all remember those "tickle our ears" statements concerning campaign financing, not rushing legislation through Congress without first having it posted to the internet to give the people time to peruse it, about transparency in government. But as soon as he was sworn in, all of that was quickly forgotten by him.
Those who feign shock at Obama's disrespect for the Cambridge, Massachusetts police department, calling them "stupid" for arresting Prof. Henry Louis Gates, are among the many who are oblivious to the implications of the 20 year association that Obama had with the "Rev." Jeremiah Wright. And if they honestly believe that Obama was in the dark about what Wright's racist anti-American rants meant, will believe any thing, even to the detriment of their own rights and freedoms. Barack Obama knows full well what the public wants to hear when it comes to race - as with all of the platitudes he spouted. But we are now seeing that his actions and policies are now just the opposite of his sweet talking rhetoric.
It should not be a surprise to anyone that he believes that the Cambridge police were racially profiling in the Gates incident. After all, Obama pushed the racial profiling issue every chance he had while he was an Illinois state senator because he knows that the racial profiling issue tends to garner many more votes, and to get those votes, politicians like Obama could care less if they end up polarizing our society. And black professors like Gates who operate black studies departments in our colleges and universities have a vested interest in promoting racial paranoia.
You cannot have "community organizing" without racial tensions, because that is their stock in trade. The MSM paid far too little attention to Barack Obama as a community organizer, though they should have been on high alert and warning people that Obama was racist to the core.
Nobody really knows just what exactly a community organizer dose, but I can sure as heck tell you what they don't do, "they don't organize communities!" What they actually do is promote resentments and paranoia within the black community and focus those feelings against the white communities, from which they hope to extract benefits or revenge. So, do you honestly believe that Obama, who spent many years activily promoting racial polarization, was actually going to bring us all together in one big kumbaya moment?
Obama's present actions, just as his past ones, reveals the same racist story. Open your eyes people, the very fact that Obama appointed Eric Holder as his Attorney General, who called America a "nation of cowards" for not discussing racial issues, gives us a great glimpse into the future of what we can expect from Holder and Obama.
You don't believe it? How about the fact that Holder refused to prosecute a group of young black thugs who gathered at a voting site holding menacing clubs and nightsticks, for the sole purpose of intimidating white voters, which is blatant violation of Federal Laws. This alone tells much about Eric Holder and the man who appointed him.
Then of course, there is Obama's first nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court, who, like Obama himself, is someone who comes from a background of years connected with an organization that is dedicated to promoting racial resentments and a strong sense of racial entitlements. To be open and honest, as well as NOT politically correct, this IS the reason why the majority of black Americans have and still do, flock to and support the Democrat Party despite the fact that it was the Republicans who fought to end slavery, and it was the Democrats who voted AGAINST Equal Rights, and that the Democrat Party is the most racist and immoral political in America. They have been brainwashed for years, that they are victims and are entitled to things. If there are any black Americans out there who support the Democrats, and happen to be reading this post, ask yourselves why it is, that after all these years, it is only black leaders like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Barack Obama, that have all of the money and prestige while the average black American is still struggling?
Barack Obama has the glib tongue and suaveness of Satan himself and so many normally smart Americans have been hoodwinked and hornswaggled by him. And while he was very open about many of his programs and what sort of nightmare he has in store for America, the majority of people either intentionally ignored him or only heard what Obama wanted them to hear. Well, we all had better wake up or we will face the worst nightmare that this country has ever seen.
Watch and listen carefully to the following:
Most Rev. +Gregori
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