Friday, April 3, 2009

"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"

Isiah 5:20

"And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible."

Isiah 13:11


Barack and his puppet masters made the cornerstone of his campaign that he would keep lobbyists and donors out of his administration, but within hours of being elected, Obama completely reversed himself and filled the White House and federal government with lobbyists and donors at all levels. Geithner, picked by Obama to be the Secretary of the Treasury, and Geithner promptly filled the department with lobbyists, like his Chief-of-Staff, Mark Patterson, formerly the TOP lobbyist for Goldman/Sachs. Obama picked William Lynn, the number one lobbyist for Raytheon to fill the number two position at the Department of Defense. Obama also appointed the TOP lobbyist to the Saudi Royal Family, George Mitchell, as the lead Middle East Envoy. Barack appointed the king of Wall Street lobbyists, Leon Panetta, to head the C.I.A, and this list goes on and on.

Little more then three weeks into his administration, Obama then launched a new LIE, far more outrageous then his previous lies. With all the skills of an accomplished academy award winning actor, Obama told the American people that he was upset about the banker ‘bailout’ which his OWN Chief-of-Staff, Rahm Emanuel, another former Wall Street executive, had engineered. Obama said that he had signed an executive order capping the C.E.O’s salaries of those who had taken ‘bailout’ money, but there were two details that he didn’t mention to the American people, ALL of the major banks and brokerage firms like AIG, Bank of America, and Citigroup, which received billions of dollars in bailout money, were EXEMPT, and the new order ONLY dealt with any FUTURE bailouts, and those were to be on an HONOR system, and White House Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs, was at a loss to explain how this system would work.

Already, you can plainly see that Barack Obama is the biggest LIAR and the biggest disappointment this country has seen in recent history. To put it plainly, Obama is a fantastic actor, a SUPER-STAR of the thespian arts, and he is an even better liar. He has done just the opposite of every thing he told the American people he would do. He will tell one lie after another and if you want to believe the crap that comes out of his mouth, knock yourself out.

In one month of the passing of the first banker bailout bill, the press reported that over five trillion dollars had just disappeared out of the U.S. Treasury. By December, the amount of money that had been stolen was 8.5 trillion dollars. The leadership of both political parties pulled together and refused to discuss where the money had gone.

Too many people are under the FALSE impression that the Federal Reserve Banking System is a part of the federal government, it is NOT. It is controlled by a tight knit group of unelected bankers and Wall Street money grabbers who meet in secret. The Federal Reserve Bank is a privately owned banking CARTEL. The majority of them have NEVER been through the formality of a Senate confirmation hearing. They falsely present themselves as being part of the government when in reality they are leeches, thieves, con artists, swindlers, etc., who are NOT loyal to the United States, but to the Wall Street banks where most of them come from.

It was on December 23, 1913, when the Federal Reserve Banking Act was illegally and unconstitutionally passed; on the floor of the House where ONLY three members were in attendance (the rest had already gone home for the Christmas recess. The Constitution of the United States clearly states that in order for a bill to become an amendment, it requires no less then two thirds of the States to ratify its passage) and twenty years later in 1933, under Franklin D. Roosevelt, the United States was declared BANKRUPT and the Federal Reserve private bank said; “Okay, what are you going to pledge as collateral on the debt that you owe us?” Well, along with the Federal Reserve Banking Act, the Federal Income Tax, the IRS, was also enacted. The IRS is nothing more than the collection agency for the Federal Reserve, because the labor, property and assets of every man, woman and child in the United States was put up as collateral for the ‘national debt’. Then by 1936, the U.S. government instituted the Social Security Administration which left you and me, and our children and our childrens' children for generations to come pledged as collateral for any and all debts run up by our government at the behest of the Federal Reserve and Wall Street, and that is where we are at today. It took twenty years to bankrupt the United States and since then our government has operated under EMERGENCY POWERS ACT of the government.

Everybody is looking to Obama to save the economy, but they do not realize that Obama can do nothing more then what his Wall Street puppet masters tell him to do. It is Wall Street that controls the purse strings and pulls the strings of the president, they set the agenda. Alan Greenspan himself said, on the PBS Lear News Hour, “The Federal Reserve Bank is ABOVE the law, the Congress and the President, everyone, we RUN America. No other agency can overrule any action we take.” They are the ones who are orchestrating the financial collapse. It is the Secretary of the Treasury, hand picked by the Federal Reserve, who manages the bankruptcy, and the U.S. has been in bankruptcy ever since. The Federal Reserve has NEVER been subject to an internal audit by any branch of the federal government. If we the people can take back the power that rightfully and constitutionally belongs with the Congress, and put the Federal Reserve under the Treasury Department instead of the other way around, we will start to be in a position of being able to control the monetary system policy on behalf of the American people.

How arrogant of those crooks who have bankrupted the United States by design so that they can repossess the country, those shysters, who then loaned us our own money back at high interest, to stand there and tell us that they are above the law. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!

Since the illegal founding of the Federal Reserve, under Woodrow Wilson, in 1913, the Federal Reserve has had a damn poor record, striking out three times. They didn’t stop the crash of 1929, they didn’t stop the banking panic of 1932 – 33, and they are the cause of the derivatives crisis, because they are the ones who forced the derivatives on the world by Alan Greenspan.

The Federal Reserve masquerades as being part of the government, they control the issuance of currency and credit. They forced us into a debt based economy and then cut us off once they have us under their control, then collapse the economy so that they can consolidate it. They tell us to give them trillions of dollars for the bailout bill and we will get the economy going, instead they horde the money and buy up other banks that aren’t part of the Federal Reserve, buying up insurance companies, infrastructures, media empires, defense contractors. So what they do is implode an economy by cutting off lines of credit, then once things fall to a low, which they set, then after they buy everything up, they start to put more money into the system and build it back up again, which is a never-ending process, build our economy up then collapse it, over and over again. They are doing this all over the world, because the very people, who control the Federal Reserve System here, control the national banks of just about every country in the world. These are the people who profess to be the saviors of the economy. These are the people who have created every important crisis in the past hundred years.

See, the way it works is they make you believe that Carter, whom they groomed and foisted upon us, is evil so they give us Reagan, then they tell us Reagan is no good, he is evil, so they give us George H.W. Bush, but then he was evil, so we were given Clinton and they then tell us Clinton is evil, so we are given George W. Bush, but then he is also evil and we are given Barack Obama who will save not only America, but the world, but like those before him, Barack is just a puppet, who the elite tell us will save us from this financial crisis that they planned and caused.

Barack says it will take a million people, bigger then the military, well armed and funded “NATIONAL SECURITY DEFENSE FORCE”, which is nothing short of a secret police, a national police force. It will start with “National Civilian Volunteer Service”, in which every one, including the elderly, will be forced into “volunteer” duty for the betterment of the larger community, all dictated by the Wall Street elite, following exactly the same programs used in Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and the Communist Soviet Union. The elite consolidate everything into their hands, and then herd the people into work camps, telling us it is a worker’s paradise, while they then transfer all of the wealth off shore. The globalists are outside all of the nations, which gives them protection and safety as they play one country against another. They are bringing classical hardcore tyranny right her to the U.S.

This is the New World Order, and it is up to us to stand against it because this is a life and death struggle, we MUST expose the elite for the evil they are. Either they fall or we fall. The choice is yours. If you are looking for the solution, if you are looking for the answer, then look no further then your mirror. You and I ARE THE SOLUTION. Remember, those Wall Street elites are the same ones who funded Lenin and Stalin. All during World War II, while our soldiers were fighting and dying in Europe to stop Hitler, financier Prescott Bush, G.W. Bush’s grandfather, was helping to fund Hitler’s Nazi war machine. These Wall Street elite are hardcore vicious thugs and must be resisted.

The main banks of Europe, started by Adam Weishoff and the Rothschild’s, the National Bank of Paris, the Bank of England, the Bank of Italy, have all financed the messianic war leaders of the last two hundred years; Napoleon, Lenin, Stalin, Adolph Hitler, they even backed Franklin Roosevelt, and at this very moment, they are backing Barack Obama. The banking cartel managed to establish a beachhead in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act. In 1947 they set up a parallel shadow government, through the passing of the National Security Act. From 1947 onward, the National Security state commenced the long process of absorbing federal and state bureaucracies, while at the same time, undermining the Constitutional power of the congress, and dominating the executive branch. By controlling the issuance of currency and credit, the private Federal Reserve was able to buy up most of the Fortune Five Hundred, and if a company wouldn’t sell, the bankers would let loose federal regulators to force them out of business.

Private central banks in Europe and the United States and England took taxpayer money and loaned it at over 30% interest to third world nations. The Bankers would then bribe the leaders of those countries NOT to repay the loans. These third world puppets would sign agreements stating that when the country defaulted the banks would be given all of the natural resources and infrastructure of the once sovereign lands, and worst of all, the countries would pledge future taxes paid for by the people in perpetuity as profit directly to the private banks. By the year 2000 there were few nations that did not fall into the clutches of the money grabbers, and the globalists were now poised to start the final phase of world government takeover, the destruction of the Western Nations’ economies.

Part V will be posted on Monday April 6th:

Now this:

All throughout history, leftist lunatics have felt it to be their time “honored” duty to grovel and scrape before tyrants, even now in the twenty-first century. You can see it when you have people like Sean Penn, who travels to Venezuela and Cuba to practically plant his lips firmly to the hind end of Hugo Chavez and the Castro brothers and gushing like a silly school girl over them. But who would ever have thought that a President of the United States would EVER bow before the ruler of any foreign country, yet that is exactly what Barack Hussein Obama did at a photo-op at the G20 summit in London for the entire world to see. In essence, this prick who has usurped the presidency, who had the audacity to treat the Prime Minister of Great Britain with total disrespect, and who did not even use proper protocol while visiting the Queen of England, showed that he considers the United States and the American people to be INFERIOR to the King and people of Saudi Arabia. Check the following video:

And on the day after Obama groveled before the Saudi King, and after another one of our States decided to spit in God’s face by legalizing ‘same-sex marriage’, we get hit with another tragedy, right here in New York State.

As our Presidents continue to throw Israel under the bus, by continually forcing Israel to make concessions to the Palestinians, even though the Palestinians continue to break all peace agreements with Israel and attacks Israel almost on a daily basis, and as we continue to support all sorts of immorality in this country, such as legalized abortions and same-sex marriage, our nation slips further into the crapper. And even if many refuse to see it, there is direct correlation between our shunning of God’s moral laws, and between our shunning of Israel, and the natural and man-made tragedies that keep befalling the United States. Wake up people, time is RUNNING OUT!


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