I wonder if I am the only one who sees behind the veil as to the REAL reason Obama is now open to the possible prosecution of the Bush administration lawyers who authorized what the left calls “BRUTAL” interrogation of terrorist suspects.
Less than a week of telling the American people that it was time for the nation to move on, rather than “Laying blame for the past,” Obama caved in to the left wing pressure groups, such as Reid, Pelozi, and Soros, describing what might be done next to investigate what he called “the lose of our moral bearings.” Excuse me, but can any one please tell me when the hell the leftist nimrods were ever concerned about the “lose of our moral bearings”? I mean, isn’t the leftists who forced abortion, gay rights, and kicking God out of the public venue on the American people?
The three individuals facing the most scrutiny are former Justice Department officials Jay Bybee who is currently a judge on the 9th
Going after these individuals, and all this crap about water boarding being torture, etc., has absolutely NOTHING to do with restoring America’s moral bearings, and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with being against torture of captured terrorists, the Geneva Convention or anything else. It is all about REVENGE pure and simple. It is about the liberal bone heads exacting their pound of flesh for the impeachment of the Commander-in-Sleaze, Bill Clinton and for the liberals wrongly perceived notion that G.W. Bush stole the election from Al “the sky is falling” Gore in 2000.
The liberal turds have been working night and day, since Bush’s first election in 2000, to bring Bush, Chaney or other members of the Bush administration up on charges, one way or another. Ever since the impeachment of Clinton, the leftists have been eager to make those on the right, especially Conservatives, eat dirt, and their desire and actions to go after and prosecute the losing political party on any kind of trumped up charges, makes the United States look like a third rate Banana Republic dictatorship.
I issue this warning to you leftist morons; you are treading on very dangerous grounds. Be careful of what you ask for, because if you go ahead with your misguided lust for revenge, it could very well backfire on you and you just may find yourselves standing before a firing squad or dancing at the end of a rope, because what goes around, comes around in spades.
Now for the following video lifted from “
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