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Wednesday, March 25, 2009


TODAY, I am starting a new series that may be a two or four part piece. I don't know exactly yet, because I am still writing it. Due to the seriousness of this piece, I shall dispense with my usual jokes at the top of each blog, because I want people to concentrate on the seriousness of the information I will be putting forth. I am bi-partisan in this post in that I excoriate both parties.

I will leave it up to each of you to decide for yourselves as to the veracity of the information.

Each part in this series will remain up for three days. Today starts Part I:


Sadly, Barack Hussein Obama is NOT who or what he appears to be. Only a small percentage of American people are aware, on a deep and spiritual level, of whom and what he really is. Obama is merely a cruel hoax perpetrated on the American people. He is a useful idiot, a pawn of the Wall Street minions who really rule this country, plain and simple.

Politics has an awful lot in common with pro-wrestling, in that in front of the cameras they wrestlers appear to be enemies and hate each other, but behind the scenes, they are best buds and they love each other. So it is with the Democrat and the Republican politicians. In the public political arena, they appear to go after each other, but that is just for show, for public consumption. Behind the scenes they are one and the same, comrades in arms. They attend fancy parties together, go on golfing outings, and have dinner together. Left and Right mean nothing. The only question that really matters is, "Do you work for Wall Street or are you trying to protect the American people from the money grabbers?"

It should be obvious by now that there are some pretty huge money interests pulling the strings NOT only of our government, but almost all the governments of the world. They have it set up that they can donate millions of dollars to the various political campaigns, so how can we the people expect not to have things go against us?

In 2008, America was desperate for a change, since the past eight years under G.W. Bush, turned out to be a disaster. Bush claimed to be a Conservative, but he tripled the size of the federal government, he started to shred the Constitution of the United States and destroyed the image of America around the world.. Endless wars, over a million dead Iraqis, and more than 5,000 dead U.S. troops. The Patriot Act, warrant less wiretapping and domestic spying. The end of Posse Comitatis, the rise of the treasonous North American Union, a deepening recession sliding toward complete economic collapse. These factors along with other abuses had the citizens of America in a state of panic concerning their futures and that of the United States.

The elite were in serious trouble because we the people were beginning to see through their facade, past their front man to the elite behind the throne. For the first time in U.S. history, the Democrats and the Republicans were hated equally. Congress had a 9% approval rating and the globalist agenda had come to standstill, and then suddenly on to the scene appeared an unknown man who promised change, "Change we all could believe in."

Barack Hussein Obama promised to end the Iraq war and bring our troops home fast. He promised to uphold the Constitution and stop the federal government from spying on the American people. He told the American workers he was going to get them out of NAFTA and GATT, and he is already breaking those promises.

Obama has resumed the security and prosperity talks with Mexico and Canada, leading to a North American Union, a process started by Bill Clinton and picked up by G.W. Bush. Obama has proved himself to be the consummate liar. He promises one thing and then turns around and does the direct opposite. He works for the very same elite that ALL presidents, starting with Woodrow Wilson, worked for. The very same elite who are engineering the financial collapse of the United States, and the formation of a dictatorial world government.

If we are to have any hope of effecting real change for the better, it cannot come from the Madison Avenue image makers or MSM whores, who have promoted Barack Obama as the savior of the world. In order to alter our present course from tyranny to liberty, in order to defeat the corrupt elite we must get passed their puppets and confront the REAL power structure of the world.

Ever since President George H.W. Bush began talking about a "New World Order", before the United Nations in 1990, many people became confused about what was going on. The term 'NEW WORLD ORDER' is a more palatable name for the "ANGLO-AMERICAN WORLD EMPIRE" which is the planetary domination by London, Washington and New York over the rest of the world. It would be hard to get people to sign on to it if you called it the
"ANGLO-AMERICAN WORLD EMPIRE", but if you call it the New World Order, people would be eager to sign on because they will think that there is something in it for them. In reality, it is the "OLD WORLD ORDER", it is the British Empire morphing into the American Empire, and so what you will get is the ANGLO-AMERICAN EMPIRE.

People that have a modicum of knowledge know that the battle that America has been waging since its inception is for the central bankers NOT to take over this country, which is why people like Andrew Jackson were elected, and it is the reason why Americans admire people like Thomas Jefferson. But the take-over has happened, it is a corporate take-over.

Agents of the Bank of England attempted to assassinate Andrew Jackson on multiple occasions
because of his resistance to a private central bank being set up in the United States. It was something that Abraham Lincoln warned against, which is what I believe was the reason he was assassinated. Lincoln said, "The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. They are more despotic then a monarchy, more insulate then autocracy, more selfish then bureaucracy. I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption will follow and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated into a few hands and the Republic is destroyed." Wall Street has killed Main Street.

Up until the assassination of President Kennedy and the beginning of the war in Vietnam, America was a very powerful engine for world progress. It was the Kennedy assassination and the beginning of the Vietnam War that was also the beginning of the Wall Street domination over every other interest. No body else counts except the Wall Street money masters. This has made the United States no longer a force for progress but something totally different, often a force of destruction in the world.

The military/industrial complex has taken over the country along with the the Wall Street thugs. If you take a look at the people that Obama has appointed to his cabinet, they are all Wall Street, ours is a government by Wall Street, of Wall Street and for Wall Street. There is no body from heavy industry, no body from the automobile industry, no body from Silicon Valley, no body from big oil, nobody from defense, no labor, no small business, no retirees, they are all pure Wall Street. The only people who have a voice in Obama's administration are Wall Street finance oligarchs. No body else counts for anything under the Obama administration. This is the most pro-Wall Street administration that this country has ever seen.

Just before his death, President Woodrow Wilson apologized to the American people, telling them that he regreted that he had been deceived by a bunch of international bankers and that the country's financial system had fallen, via the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, into the hands of those bankers. Even President Dwight David Eisenhower warned the people that the military/industrial complex was taking over the country. Only three years after leaving office, Eisenhower's warning concerning the threat posed to our system of government by the military/industrial complex came to pass.

President John F. Kennedy totally enraged the entire elite network. Kennedy was actually groomed and brought in by the elite as some one whom they could manipulate, a puppet to the Wall Street oligarchs, who assumed that his pro-Nazi father, Joseph P. Kennedy, a bootlegger and speculator, would gurantee that John Kennedy would be obedient to the elite establishment, and they thought that he was a sex-maniac and they could use that as blackmail to keep him in line. But, they were mistaken because due to his personal suffering, Kennedy had discovered a personal sense of himself which went beyond just being a puppet. He was thinking about economic recovery and world peace, instituting a space program, cutting the Federal Reserve down to size, and implementing deals with the Soviet Union.

Executive Order #
1110, signed by President Kennedy, began the process of abolishing the private Federal Reserve. Kennedy was also pushing for REAL Civil Rights reform, and he even began the process of pulling American troops out of Vietnam. The last time the United States had an ACTUAL President, not a puppet, was President Kennedy. The oligarchs could not stand that, so they took quick and decisive action. When John Kennedy attempted to take the government back from the Wall Street elite, he was murdered in a brutal fashion for the entire world to see, and the message sent to ALL future presidents and other world leaders was loud and clear, "DO AS YOU ARE TOLD OR DIE."

Part II will be posted Sunday night, March 29th.

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