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Saturday, March 28, 2009



NOTE: This has turned out to be a seven part series, so I hope you will bear with me as I do believe this information to be important. See special headlines at bottom of this blog post.

John F. Kennedy was the last true President of the United States and until the treacherous globalists are removed from power we will NEVER have another real one. The one thing that we as American citizens should bear in mind is that the American presidency is really nothing more then a puppet post, so the idea that Barack Hussein Obama is some one who will come in and exercise real authority when he has obviously been chosen and given everything he has got by these money grabbers, is nothing more than a pipe dream. This would explain how another unknown, William Jefferson Clinton, who came from a single parent home, and never held a job, not even a part-time job, until elected Arkansas Attorney General in 1976, yet he never seemed to lack for money and was able to travel all over the world, including to Russian (where he protested against the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam war), and to Italy and England.

Our Presidents today are nothing more than corporate pitchmen who take all of the political heat, while their controllers remain in the shadows safe from public scrutiny. If they controlled our presidents before, what makes you think they are not controlling it now? They give our political candidates the money, they give them voter fraud, they give them the media whores, they give them goons and they even have elected officials making threats of putting people in jail if they criticize Obama. All of this is the mark of a puppet, and Obama is a puppet, and perhaps more of a puppet then any one else, even more of a puppet then Hillary Clinton would have been and even more then John McCain would have been. Obama is the biggest puppet president since Jimmy Carter. Is it any wonder, also that the courts refuse to look into the issue about Obama’s citizenship and possible constitutional ineligibility to hold the Office of President? Could it be that the oligarchs know something that they don’t want the rest of us to know?

In the real executive power structure the president serves the military/industrial complex, itself owned by the international bankers. If there is a revolution, the people just throw out the president or the prime minister, while the elites stay in power and the public is NEVER really aware of who the real power is.

In Evian, France, in 1991, while standing before the Bilderberg Group, the very top of the World Government power structure, David Rockefeller defined the New World Order as the system of World Government serving the international banking elite. For decades, the banker owned media would attack anyone who dared to warn the public that a dictatorial government was being put together right under their noses, and that their national sovereignty was being deliberately destroyed. Now, after years of denial, the elite and the media are themselves proudly announcing that not only is world government real, but it is the answer to the financial crisis that they themselves created.

1) CNBC: Then you have Henry Kissinger who gave Barack Obama his first job out of college, told national television that the economic collapse was a great opportunity to bring in the New World Order. He even went on to say that Barack Obama was the perfect person to “sell it to the world, since his acceptance is so extraordinary around the world.”

2) Daniel Estulin, author of The True Story of the Bilderberg Group and The Shadow Masters: In June of 2006, a team of investigative reporters went to Ottawa, Canada to gather information on the elitist shadow government’s planned agenda for the coming years. Investigative journalist, Daniel Estulin, who had a couple of moles imbedded in the Bilderberg group, learned that the Bilderberg group first planned to run the price of oil up to $150.00 a barrel, something that was unimaginable in 2006, and that after suckering the middle class back into the stock market, they were going to implode the sub-prime mortgage market and destroy public confidence, by bringing the market back up to the 1992 levels and get all of “suckers” to invest all the money they have left over, then they would let the bottom drop out.

The Bilderberg group sits at the top of the world power structure. One hundred and twenty-five of the riches and most influential people on the face of the earth make up its membership. The Bilderberg group ALWAYS insists on a complete media blackout. By June of 2008, it already became apparent that Barack Obama was the elite’s puppet of choice. The national media claimed that on the weekend that the Bilderberger’s were scheduled to meet, that Obama had some speaking engagements set for Chicago and the mid-west, and in a classic ‘bait-and-switch’ the Obama campaign told the press corps to get on Obama’s campaign plane and that Obama would join them on the flight to Chicago. His campaign staff then slammed the plane’s door shut. The media whores had been Shanghaied as Obama’s campaign plane took off without Obama. When questioned about this by the press corps, a spokesman for Obama simply stated that “Senator Obama had a desire to do some meetings and others had a desire to meet with him in a private setting, so that is what we are doing.”

Obama wasn’t heading to Chicago; he had a secret meeting to attend. It was originally believed that the meeting was to be held at Hillary Clinton’s Washington, DC home; however, an Obama spokesman denied that but refused to say where the meeting was held or to reveal their topics of discussion. For a day and half, the msm was engaged in a wild goose chase, attempting to discover where Obama and Hillary had gone. Finally, the corporate press was forced to admit that they had no clue as to where they were, and to this day, neither Obama nor Hillary is talking about it. However, there were plenty of people who did know about the meeting. After investigating it was discovered that all clues pointed to the Westfields Marriot Hotel just outside Washington, DC, where the Bilderberg Group held there meeting in June 2008. It was later confirmed by informants that BOTH Obama and Hillary attended at least one of the meetings. Hundreds of brave protestors came from around America to voice their discussed with the elitists and their treasonous plans.

The global elite are desperate to keep their organizational meetings a secret and they are well aware that if the general public discovers that policy is being developed covertly by powerful special interests the people will revolt.

Under our federal law, it is a criminal act for federal officials to hold private meetings to discuss world policy with non-federal workers. Therefore every one from the State Department, Treasury and the White House are committing a criminal act just by attending the secret meetings with heads of other countries to discuss U.S. policy in the world. Literally it is a criminal act. Every newspaper, every broadcaster has a patriotic duty to expose these traitorous scumbags, but unfortunately, very few do as the majority is controlled by the traitors.

The primary election served as a diversion while the true future course of the nation was being set behind closed doors. You have the Bilderberg Group, which was founded by the Nazi sympathizer, Prince Bernard of the Netherlands, the Trilateral Commission, a private organization founded, in July 1973, at the behest of David Rockefeller who was Chairman of the Council of Foreign Relations, to foster closer cooperation between the United States, Europe and Japan.3.) Wikipedia on the Trilateral Commission: Zbigniew Brzezinski, a professor at Columbia University and an advisor to David Rockefeller, and a specialist on foreign affairs, left his post to organize the Trilateral Commission. They were the ones who ran the Carter administration.

Barack Obama has been given a pass by the ‘bluebloods’, he has been given the okay by certain secret societies to let him in. Imperialism and fascism was in need of a face lift and they felt that the new face had to be black because they want to go into Africa and control all of the mineral wealth that will carry them into the 21st, 22nd, and possibly the 23rd centuries. Therefore they have to galvanize the masses of dark skin people, who believe that ‘change’ is needed, but it isn’t going to be the change that will benefit the people. Nobody bothers to really examine Obama’s agenda, as long as he wears the right tie and has the right smile, and pushes the right message and drives it home, the average American is going to swallow it hook, line and sinker because they don’t have the slightest idea what the true agenda is.

In his 1964 book, With No Apologies, Senator Barry Goldwater wrote, “The Trilateral Commission is intended to be the vehicle for the multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States.” The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful and coordinated effort to seize control and power of the four centers of power; the political, the monetary, the intellectual and the ecclesiastical. What the Trilateral Commission intends is to create a world wide economic power that would be superior to the political powers of the nation states involved. As managers and creators of the system, they will rule the future. The Bilderberg issue executive decisions and prime directives to its top directors for implementation. The Trilateral Commission takes the Bilderberg agenda and executes it through regional roundtable groups throughout Europe, Asia and the Americas. The Council on Foreign Relations acts as the managing roundtable group in the United States sector. The Council on Foreign Relations has dominated every administration since the days of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The way in which they make policy and rule is that they are a poly centric, oligarchic system. This is not a society ruled by generals, not by priests, not by bureaucrats, not by demagogues, but strictly by bankers, and the bankers set up these institutions modeled on the Royal Institute for International Affairs, Chatham House and the Milner Roundtable from the period right after the Boor Wars and even before World War I. You have the British setting up these roundtables, putting out publications and holding conferences.

Barack Obama is conducting his own affirmative action program to get more Muslims into the White House. Click here:

In another deceitful move, Obama stacked the deck in his "open" forum by picking ONLY campaign supporters to ask questions on his "online" internet forum. Click here:

PART III will be posted on Tuesday evening, March 31st.

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