When the hell is enough ENOUGH? When the hell do we finally get up off of our lazy butts and show some backbone and patriotic spirit, and march on Washington, DC with arrest warrants in hand charging HIGH CRIMES and MISDEMEANORS for every member of Congress, the President, his entire cabinet, and most of the members of the Supreme Court?
When our elected Senators and Representative, who are drawing huge salaries, will deliberately vote in favor of legislation that they have NO idea what the hell it contains, that is malfeasance and dereliction of duty, but when those same politicians turn around and create bogus legislation, that they know is unconstitutional, just to cover their own asses, is absolutely CRIMINAL!
When the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, who is third in line to the Office of President, stands before a gathering of both legal and illegal immigrants and tells them that our Immigration Enforcement Officers, are UN-AMERICAN for enforcing our immigration laws, and then tells the illegal immigrants that they are TRUE American patriots for attending her meeting and standing up for their RIGHTS, is nothing short of TREASON.
When Eric Holder, the Attorney General of the United States, tells a group of newsmen that the enemy combatants, being held at Gitmo, will have their cases individually reviewed, and then saying that they will be brought here to the U.S. to have their cases tried in a Criminal Court, "Just like any other crook," and then go on to say that many of the enemy combatants could just be released, "I mean released right here in America," thus placing the lives of American citizens in danger, that is TREASON!
When you have a president who hasn't got the foggiest idea of what the hell he is doing, and acts like he is still on the campaign trail, and who constantly blames the previous administration for the huge deficit he inherited, (a deficit that he and his pet project, A.C.O.R.N, helped to create when he was still a senator) and then turns around and continues to add trillions of dollars more to the national debt, when you have a president who blatantly disrespects the Prime Minister of Great Britain, one of our oldest and closest allies, while doing every thing he can to suck up to our enemies, when you have a president who promises the Hispanic Caucus that he WILL grant amnesty and citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants, and cover illegal immigrants under our national health care, paid for by the American tax paying citizens, goes beyond incompetence, it is TREASON!
When you have Congressmen/women, White House Cabinet members, the President of the United States, backed by the Supreme Court of the United States, trample on the Constitution of the United States at will, which the swore an oath to uphold and defend, that my friends IS TREASON!
So once again I ask you, "WHEN THE HELL IS ENOUGH ENOUGH?" When the hell are we going to rise up and say, "This STOPS HERE and it STOPS NOW!" When you just sit back and do nothing, you are not only destroying your own lives, but you are selling your children and grandchildren into slavery. PEOPLE, WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME!
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