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Thursday, January 22, 2009


I wish to apologize to each of my blogger friends who had the misfortune of reading my rant which I posted last night. I have since removed it. I unfortunately allowed my anger to get the best of me.

This morning, I realized that I was no better then those on the left, but after listening to their filth and disgusting Bush bashing that went on all day Tuesday, I just lost it.

There is only one thing that I will not apologize for, and that is I will not renege on my statement that Obama is not my president and how I feel about the Democrat Party, because like it or not, the Liberals have destroyed America and I can never forgive them for that, nor can I forgive those Republicans and Conservatives who sat silently over the years and allow the liberals to do it.

It was Democrats who had prayer removed from our schools, it was Democrats who allowed legalized abortion, it is the Democrats who pushed for and got Gay Rights passed, and it is the Democrats who caused this financial mess we are in (Don't forget, even Bill Clinton admitted that).

Also, if Obama finishes out four or eight years, with the harm he and his administration will have done to this country, turning us into a huge welfare state over run with illegals,that harm will NEVER be able to be undone.

I will pray that Obama will see the error of his ways and that his heart will turn God, but deep down, I doubt that will happen.

So as I said, I sincerely apologize for my despicable rant and if any of you want to open that can below and use it on me, please feel free to do so, I deserve it.

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