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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Thoughts from Munchkin’s Couch – (or Who Let the Dog Out?)


The Doctor's Affair

A married doctor was shamelessly carrying on an affair with his nurse. Not long after the affair began, the nurse notified the doctor that she was pregnant. Not wanting his wife to find out, he gave the nurse a rather large sum of money and told her to go to Italy and have the baby there.

"But how will I let you know the baby is born?" she asked. The doctor answered, "Just send me a postcard and write 'spaghetti' on the back. I'll take care of all the expenses." So, the nurse took the money and flew off to Italy.

Eight and a half months passed, and then one day the doctor's wife called him at his clinic and said, "Dear, you just received a very strange postcard from Europe today in the mail, and I don't understand what it means." The doctor said, Just wait until I get home and I will explain it to you."

Later that evening the doctor arrived home and read the postcard. He immediately fell to the floor with a heart attack. His wife called the paramedics who rushed him to the hospital emergency room for treatment. One of the paramedics was speaking with the doctors wife and asked her if she knew what her husband was doing just prior to having the heart attack. The doctor's wife handed him the postcard and said he was reading this. The paramedic took the postcard and read the following:


This Story has Legs of its OWN, but Mine are Better Looking:

Here is some more poopie on the Obama citizenship debate. Boy, this story just gets betterer and betterer by the day.

It now seems that a private investigator by the name of Jorge Baro, who was hired by World Net Daily to investigate issues related to Obama's birth, has released an affidavit that casts doubt as to whether or not Barack lived at the address in the published notice of his birth in 1961. Baro is the in-house senior investigator for Elite Legal Services, LLC, in Royal Palm Beach, Fla.

The affidavit documents an interview his staff conducted with Beatrice Arakaki, who has lived at 6075 Kalanianaole Highway in Honolulu since before Obama was born. This affidavit is also at the center of a federal law suit which was filed before the November election in Hattiesburg, Miss., before U.S. District Judge Keith Starrett. The suit is one of several yet to be ajudicated (now there is a fancy word I bet you didn't think a dog would know) that calls for proof of Obama being a "natural born citizen" which is required by the U.S. Constitution.

Baro's investigators were able to locate, at the Honolulu Public Library, a microfilm of a notice placed in the Sunday Advertiser August 13, 1961, The annoucement in the "Births, Marriages, Death" section read: "Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama, 6085 Kalanianaole Hwy., son, Aug. 4."

Baro sent his team of investigators to Honolulu to explore records regarding current residents of Kalanianaole Highway and to track down residents back to 1961, but they were unable to locate any currant or past resident of Kalanianaole Highway who could recall Obama or his family living at the address listed in the Sunday Advertiser announcement.

According to Baro's affidavit, Beatrice Arakaki affirmed that she was a neighbor of the address listed. She has lived at her current residence of 6075 Kalanianaole Highway from before 1961 to the present.

More over, Arakaki said that she believed that when Obama lived with the Dunhams, his grandparents, the family address was in Waikiki, not on Kalanianaole Highway.

Now, it seems to me, that if you had lived nextdoor to the President-elect, when he was a boy, you sure as heck would remember it, but what do I know, I'm just a dog.

So, peoples, you are being had, don't you think?

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