"Withdrawal" is the term liberals use. Let us clarify, the troops withdrawal when the job is done. What liberals mean to say is "quit". They would like to see the troops quit.
America was not built by quitters, nor was it built by sissy's. War is hard, and war can be long, especially in the regions we are fighting.
Timetables, another brilliant liberal term. Let's let our enemy know exactly when we are leaving....
I love how Americans where all geared up to send our boys over there....Yes we need to do this! The Bush camp stated many times....this war is going to take a looong time......American public respoded....yes send them we know lets do it right this time!
Now because the spoiled American public doesn't get an instantaneous win and rapid results it's like ok now pull them out...War doesn't work that way hippy!
The American public has not been duped by our president. Things are exactly as they seem. Look at the history of the region, add the fact that they have the world commodity in barrels (oil), did you really believe that we wouldn't end up at war?
And lets be clear on something else. We are not at war with Iraq. We are at war with radical Islam. You don't believe that just ask one of them what the term Caliphate mean.
Learn the Truth America
America is not a Democracy it is a Republic!
America was not built by quitters, nor was it built by sissy's. War is hard, and war can be long, especially in the regions we are fighting.
Timetables, another brilliant liberal term. Let's let our enemy know exactly when we are leaving....
I love how Americans where all geared up to send our boys over there....Yes we need to do this! The Bush camp stated many times....this war is going to take a looong time......American public respoded....yes send them we know lets do it right this time!
Now because the spoiled American public doesn't get an instantaneous win and rapid results it's like ok now pull them out...War doesn't work that way hippy!
The American public has not been duped by our president. Things are exactly as they seem. Look at the history of the region, add the fact that they have the world commodity in barrels (oil), did you really believe that we wouldn't end up at war?
And lets be clear on something else. We are not at war with Iraq. We are at war with radical Islam. You don't believe that just ask one of them what the term Caliphate mean.
Learn the Truth America
America is not a Democracy it is a Republic!
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